by Kimberly | Oct 13, 2017 | kcreatives photography, newborn

I had the privilege of spending the day with this little bundle of pink, her mama, and her extended family this week. I’ve known here Mama now for 17 years in January. We’ve studied and cooked together, lived in the same dorm together, taken many midnight walks together, rode bikes together, been across the world together. We used to be neighbors in ATL, but now we live just a couple hours apart.
Our kids are like siblings – where most of the time they get along. Can’t wait to watch this little one grow.
Here are just some of her session with me that day. You are loved, baby Emmy.

by Kimberly | Jun 9, 2016 | kcreatives photography, mothering, newborn, Truly Families
I’ve recently been seeing a lot and hearing a lot through conversations about how hard it is for women to make friends once they reach the mommy years. I totally hear that.

If you look at friendships, they take time to develop, and meaning conversation. Meaningful conversation with other adults is hard when you are caring for littles. Every mom will agree with me.

But, friendships that last a while are hard to come by too. This little boy – his mommy – we’ve been friends for over 15 years. We’ve shared graduate degree lodging, we’ve shared our lives, and we’ve been next-door neighbors. And now, I had the privilege of capturing this little boys’ first few days. He was super sweet and cooperative and even let his mommy and I have a milkshake to celebrate!

And let me talk about these outfits this little one is wearing – his daddy did such a great job picking them out. Cute clothes for the win!

All photos property of kcreatives photography
by Kimberly | Feb 13, 2016 | kcreatives photography, newborn

Valentine’s Day is for rolls of soft baby skin – isn’t it? I had the wonderful privilege of visiting a sweet girlfriend a few weeks ago in North Carolina and loving on her new little valentine in her life.

When you are over due with your baby and the weather report shows ice in the forecast, especially in the south, you may start to get a little anxious. And I don’t know if it was the ice or the cookies that made the little one decide to come – but one thing I do know, baby Oliver came, and is safe, and warm, and loved, and adorable.

And let me hand it to you newborn photographers: y’all amaze me. Baby Oliver was nice and asleep until his momma took his clothes off – he was having none of it. But, I’ve also come to learn that it isn’t good to stress the parents out… Just be patient, go with what you get, plan for a long time (which I didn’t have), and love on the parents. They are the ones who have a newborn. And relationships are vital, pictures are extra!

Mom and Dad of baby Oliver – I love yall. Yall are dear to me. And I can’t wait to see yall in the Spring!
by Kimberly | Sep 22, 2015 | kcreatives photography, newborn, photo shoot

When a woman is pregnant, I think one of the things she needs reminded of often is patience. Carrying a baby can’t be hurried up. 24 hours a day is 24 hours a day no matter which way you look at it. And babies take time to cook 🙂 God created a woman’s body to bring forth life. That is just one of the many important roles a woman can play – giving life. And whether it is by birth, by adoption or fostering, or by pouring life into other people – life giving is so a God-given task.

Patience and life-giving was the name of the day when I got the chance to meet Baby Alistair (named for one of my favorite preachers, Alistair Begg), and hang out with his sweet family at their home. Baby A had a head full of dark hair and he loved being held by his brother and sister, and of course his mommy and daddy.

There is something about capturing the way parents look at their newborn that is mesmerizing – and this shoot was no different. Any mom can tell you that the first few weeks with a newborn are pretty tough (sleepless, hormones), but the joy and baby snuggles completely trump those sleepless nights.

My prayer for baby A is that God would mold him to be a protector like his daddy, a nurturer like his momma, and a best friend to his siblings. And that he would love the Lord with all of his heart and preach the gospel like his namesake.

If you would like any newborn shots of your sweet little, please contact me @ kcreativesphotography @gmail dot com and I would love to talk with you.

by Kimberly | Aug 7, 2015 | creatives, kcreatives photography, newborn, photo shoot, Uncategorized

Little toes. Little noses. Little fingers. Lots of laughs and pokes and sweet, tender moments from older siblings. Lots of wonder and amazement from tired but grateful parents.
Newborn shoots are a really sweet time to spend with a new family – maybe been a family for a while – but with the addition of each child, each special creation, a new family emerges.
I got to spend an evening with a sweet family in our church. Baby was quite awake even with a full belly. Perfect lighting outside and eager siblings made it for a fun, eventful evening.

Thankful to be able to capture such moments. Never to be had again.
“Something worth remembering” – all photos property of kcreatives photography.
If you’d like to “schedule” a newborn shoot, or talk about other services, please contact
by Kimberly | Jul 27, 2015 | kcreatives photography, newborn, photo shoot
I love doing a newborn shoot with a really good friend. I’ve known Tasya since we cheered for the same school in high school. We got reconnected because of the joyful thing called social media about a decade ago. That was before either of us were dating our now husbands, and of course neither of us had kids.
I couldn’t wait to meet baby M – and even though that meeting took a little longer, I still got to meet him, hold him, and capture him in all of his sleepy cuteness.
All photos are property of kcreatives photography. If you are interested in a newborn shoot: