Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Blogtember: Favorite Quote of the Moment

Jesus is Everything

When you read a lot, and are bombarded with other people’s favorite quotes all the time via social media – it is hard to pick just one.  But, this weekend I came across this blog from a former pastor of mine – and I had to share this.

One of the areas I see this the most for me is in parenting.  I’m so not good at this – but when I do call on the Jesus in tough moment, I see Him work.  He is faithful just like he said he would be!

And Jesus – the true Jesus – the Jesus of the Bible, not the Jesus that people make up in their heads that don’t line up with what the True Word says about Him – He is everything.  We don’t need anything else.  Any other additions to Jesus is not Jesus.

Faith Quote of the Week

Faith Quote of the Week

Worry and Belief

This life throws so much at us.  I live in metro ATL and every day I could worry about my Mister as he drives to and from work.  I could worry about how my sons are going to turn out and if they will love Jesus one day.  I could worry about our finances because my Mister is in a commission job.  I could worry about friendships and blog readership and if I will ever fit in the size 8 skirt that I love?

But, all of that wouldn’t be believing God.

At the beginning of this year I really wanted to be daily reminded of the fact that God wants me to BELIEVE HIM.  Not only believe IN Him but, to also wholeheartedly believe Him.  This year has definitely been trying – and God is allowing me steady contact with Him to help me with my unbelief – making it believing!


When You Don’t Understand

When You Don’t Understand

Brian Houston

I sang in a traveling ensemble group in high school at the Christian school I attended.  One year we sang a very cheesy (think early 90s) Christian song “When you can’t trace his hand, trust his heart.”  Ok – the words are true, but I will admit very cheesy indeed.

But, how true!  When you know where you want to be in life and what God has gifted you with and don’t see how you are ever going to get there?

When you see some others advancing and succeeding and you just feel like you are stumbling along?

When there is no yellow brick road to travel?

God.  He started you.  He will bring you to completion.

Practicing the Art of Gratitude

Facebook has a way of dictating our lives, don’t you think? Or any other social media for that matter. At least in the month of November, that happens to be a good thing. More and more people are choosing to be thankful for 30 things during this month, and putting it on facebook helps them recount all the things and people they are thankful for. Even though I am not taking part in those postings, I did have a word of wisdom spoken to me the other day that I thought I would share.

As my MIL and I were heading toward a women’s event at our church this past weekend, she said how thankful she was to even get to be here to hold her grandsons even if they did cry or get up in the middle of the night or she had to change their diapers (which all of them happened a lot).  That was so convicting for me.

I know I had said I was thankful the delivery went well and that I had friends to help.  And I know I said how cute the boys were.  But, had I thanked God aloud that I get to be their Mommy?  Not that I recall.

When hard times or periods of sleepless nights or trials come into your life – do you remember to thank God for that?  How do you thank God – every day – not just while sitting around the Thanksgiving table?

“Prayer in the name of Christ ends with a calm and joyous Amen; for Jesus Himself is the Amen of God, in whom all promises and gifts of God are sealed.” – Saphir