Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

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Here we are the week before Christmas.  Less than 7 days and I have to admit, as my kids get older, it is more fun – to think of the surprise that will fill their eyes on Christmas morning.

Here are some things that I’m liking this week – and some fun things I’m baking:

Grinch popcorn as I have some little friends over this week.

I know two littles (and their momma) who would enjoy these.  If you need a hostess gift for a family with kids these would be perfect.

Spot On post by Kristin

I will be adding these to our Happy Jesus Day cake this week

I’m dreaming of two days here with my mister over New Years – if no one gets sick.

Can’t wait to read this book to my boys this week.  It is by far my fave Christmas book.

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Gigi's Truffles

Yesterday I was in 70 degree weather – and this morning all I wanted to do was cuddle under the blankets and stay there all day.  30s-60s isn’t bad – but 70s was so delightful!

There is something so inviting about Florida.  I grew up in the central part of the state. Familiarity, warm breezes, Carolina blue skies, hay bales, wide open horse pastures,

This soup would be good on any cold night – just combine with some naan bread or homemade loaf.

I write for Her View From Home and for December I did a very short and partial dream kitchen list.  Go check it out for every cook on your list of people to get gifts for this holiday season.

Um, how about these for Christmas morning breakfast?

I got an opportunity to share some health tips and a bit about my weight loss journey over here.


Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Pumpkin Holding

Life has been full the past few weeks and I’ve not gotten around to doing one of my favorite posts of the week – but here goes some of my fave site finds for you to look at.

I definitely want to make this before fall gives way to the winter.

Salads for balancing out all the treats of the holidays – and I love one with tangy fruits and warm roasted vegetables.

Can I just be honest with the rest of this page:

Sometimes the world of the internet overwhelms me.  People in my feeds argue about refugees and red cups (whether filled with coffee or beer).  They complain about what they don’t like.  They speak about how wonderful life is.  They post everything good that they do.  I give in to this so much.  And more of the time – I crave for time with my true friends, sitting down with coffee, talking about how life is hard and how God is good.  Or just crying because your kids are driving you crazy and money is tight.  I long to have refreshment from uninterrupted time with my mister, sitting in the word for a while without having to go somewhere in a few minutes, not wondering how we are going to pay the bills next month, or just sitting there across from a friend who is struggling too – and listening to her cry, tears of concern and mystery and hurt.  Life happens outside of the blog and social media world.

Ok – well, happy Sunday from my little world to you!

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Roswell Cemetery

Happy Sunday to all of you out there.  This morning as my mister and I were standing in church together (doesn’t happen often in between serving in nursery, my mister leading worship, or my misters work schedule, or sick kids) I was sobbing because of hearing how the grieving process for a couple who lost their teenage daughter still continues.

Then I sent my mister a text later in the service after he had gone to work saying that I long for the day that the tears are replaced with laughter and smiles and our lives are marked more by grace than what has happened in our lives.

So, as I’ve already cried, shared nuggets and a frosty with my little misters, and practiced some yoga – here are some happy links – things that make me smile!

Since it is pumpkin season and my little little is turning 2 this Tuesday – we are so doing this to celebrate!

This friend always makes me smile.  She made me smile in high school and her lovely blog including these DIY spectaculars make me smile today – and remembering back to seeing my first aspens with her 5 years ago.

Since my phone is attached to me almost at all times and because of my love for photography and capturing every moment so I can remember the moment – think I need to memorize these

These pretty calendars really make me wish I had some talent.

The bag of chopped up butternut squash I get weekly at my Trader Joes always makes me smile and so does a good mac and cheese.

Just because I love kale in salads and its healthy for me and I want to use up all the squash because its fall and I need to combat birthday cake this week…

I have no doubt that these cookies would make me smile because of the butterscotch chips – but then I wouldn’t smile when I looked at the scale after I ate half the batch.

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Here's some Coffee

Most everyone I know is in some sort of weather today produced by Hurricane Joaquin.  Maybe you are loving it – maybe you’d rather have sunshine.  I love storms and wind – but I actually thrive on sunshine.

So, while some of you may be stuck inside today because of the weather, I thought I would send you some link to read up on:

I usually make muffins once a week in our kitchen because it is so easy for my misters’ breakfasts.  These will be coming soon because I have everything in my kitchen already.

If you get really tired of meal planning – maybe these templates will help you out and bring on the food creativity.

Are you aspiring to more in the kitchen?  Maybe you need to start with these?  I want to make my own bucket list of recipes.

Having worked for Williams-Sonoma for a few years, I loved reading this story.

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Old School October

Today is a little different in our home as far as Sundays go.  We usually go to church. Not this week.  One of sons has pink eye and a yucky cough and lots of snot – so we chose not to inflict any of those on other kids.  So, we are home today.  This morning we ate muffins, watched Daniel Tiger, read out of our Read and Share Bible, and drove around town getting Krispy Kreme, watching trains, looking at planes and bulldozers, and ate lunch at Zaxbys.  What does your normal Sunday look like?

Here are some links you can be loving this week:

A muffin recipe of mine featuring some yummy pumpkin granola over at Her View From Home

There’s a lot more to creating a recipe than you think.

This is getting made so soon – oh, me and sausage…its quite the affair!

This is going on the menu for this week!  Oh, I love falafel and I miss my sandwiches in Louisville.

Simple and cheap comfort food – right up our alley

Great post on ordering your life for any woman