Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

White Hydrangeas

Yesterday we got to celebrate our little mister’s 3rd birthday.  While it wasn’t like we had planned, (darn pink eye), we still got to eat yummy pancakes, hit up Moe’s at Daddy’s work, and play at an aviation park in town, and eat cupcakes of course!

I’m a big celebrator – especially of birthdays.  God created that person uniquely and I think the world should celebrate them.  And I love giving gifts and making that person feel special – so that is the perfect day to do it, right?

So, just because it is Sunday, let’s celebrate that by giving you some links to look at!

Brokenness has been in my vision this week – and this post says why we need our failures.

I spend a lot of time talking about healthy living – here is a great post about how we do that in light of living in community.

If you are looking for inspiration in the world of travel and food – go here.  I love her blog and her visits.

Second only to guacamole is a great queso and I think I might be trying this soon

The podcast world is huge and you can never listen to everything.  So, if you want a place to start, check out Heather’s list.


Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Sunday naps

Truth be told, doing some extended childcare today – I may have eaten half my weight in animal crackers.  Hey, whatever it takes to get 4 kids through nap times without naps.  And speaking of naps – this was taken last night before bed time – it had been a long week for all of us and my e gets so snuggly – and because he turns 3 in 6 days!

So, first I thought you might be encouraged to go read three posts that I’ve written that are spread throughout internet land:

This one on what the best types of shoes each woman needs to succeed in marriage.

This one on blessing others because we have been blessed in Christ.

and finally this one about putting our faith into action.

And now for some link love from around my fave blogs:

I’m already thinking of simple Christmas gifts I can give to other foodies in my life – this salt may be perfect in little mason jars wrapped up in pretty string.

Because I love pumpkin everything this time of year.

But, I don’t want to give up summer and all its glorious berries just yet and because I love scones.

And because I’m not in college and can cook more than microwaveable ramen and because I love bacon. Who doesn’t, right?



Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Oh glorious Sunday.  Nap central in our home in the afternoon.  And loving to bake and cook and organize my kitchen while having NCIS or Gilmore Girls on in the background.  My mister works every other Sunday so I get a quiet afternoon to myself in between church time. Some Sundays we have people over then it is a day for community – which I love as well.

Here are some links I’ve been loving this week:

This chocolate and pb cake will be made for the next person who requests a chocolate cake for an event – or maybe just for us to eat!

Coconut and chocolate together – yes, please!

This book for my preschooler about oceans, mountains, and stars oh my!

Joy tackles the rising tide of Instagram

Psalm 119 is amazing and Kristin is about to start a study on it.

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Atlanta Flowers on a Sunday

Today: there will be peanut butter pie on my table.  Creamy.  Perfect for summer.  And an oreo crust – you can’t get better than that.  Just for the sake of health, there will be a salad eaten before!

I love one of the recurring themes in the book of Deuteronomy: (not just the law) delight

My mister would really love this refreshing salad so I think I’ll be a good wife and make it for him this coming week

If you want to go look at some pretty photos and buy some of them…I don’t think my friend Coast and Oak would mind?

I don’t know if a hot dog ever looked so good?

What links are inspiring you this week?

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

I’m sick this Sunday.  I don’t know if it is strep, or stress, or a cold, or the flu.  But my husband is working today and soon two toddlers will be home from Sunday School.  So, maybe today mommy will take a nap with them.

But, why not send up some link love for your weekend:

Even though we just celebrated his for real birthday, this lemon poppyseed cake we may just need to make because.

Love when healthy food inspires me to eat it and be healthy.

Each week I have my husband pop us a huge bag of popcorn and the boys and I snack on it all week. Cheap and healthy.  Here is a new one for me with a favorite spice I usually put on chicken.


Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Sundays in the South

Enjoy the simple things of life today…

like breakfast

like babies

like books

like sunsets

like afternoon naps

like eyelashes

like coffee or wine or tea or whatever you drink

like the savoring of an entire day with family

Its Sunday after all.