Blogtember: Top Blogs

Blogtember: Top Blogs

me and my boys

Wow – there is no way I can pick just 5.  I’ve been in blog world now for about 10 years and I’ve read different ones over the years.

My fave one who no longer blogs is Jenna from eatliverun.  I’ve been reading here since about 2008 and was sad when she gave up blogging, but love following her healthy mom living on Instagram.

Some of my favorite food ones are Dine and Dish, Blogging Over Thyme, and How Sweet Eats. All of these offer me new ideas, photography how-tos, and humor!

Some of my favorite Christian ones are: SheWorships, Her.menuetics, and CBMW.

Some of my favorites for business, lettering or photography is: Elle & Co, Jenna Diprima, and

You can follow along with me over at Bloglovin.

Above photo taken by Celina Desantis Photography

Blogtember: Guilty Pleasures

Blogtember: Guilty Pleasures

Water Fun

Can I first say that I hate the name of that.  I know what the term means: but basically it means indulging in something that isn’t necessarily good for us and getting pleasure for it.  So…hmmm, I don’t know how to answer that question.

Here are some things that I enjoy in moderation – but they necessarily aren’t good for me:

Dark Chocolate M&Ms

Ferrero Rocher

Ghiradelli Hot Chocolate with tons of whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate syrup

Strawberry Twizzlers

Moose Track Ice Cream

Salted Caramel Rice Krispy Treats

Lazy binge watching of NCIS (yay, season premiere on Tuesday) or Gilmore Girls (finished the whole series in about 2 months) or White Collar

Blogtember Challenge: Vlog Boycott

Just kidding about the boycott.

But, there will be no Blogtember challenge today from me because I don’t like to Vlog.  I like to watch Periscope but I don’t like to be on it.  I do not like myself on video – and since this is my blog…there you go.

I love being up in front of people – just don’t make me watch or listen to it.

If you wanna talk with me – let’s sit down and chat – or cook together, or, well, anything.

Blogtember Challenge: The Real Me

Blogtember Challenge: The Real Me

Chattanooga Country

Social media often times get a bad rap.  Most say that who you see on the computer screen isn’t really the real person who is doing the typing. So…today’s question: is the real you and the online you the same?

Yes and no.  Only sometimes do I post pictures of me when I’m not wearing makeup and my hair is in a ponytail with my glasses on.  Truth be told – that is how I normally am.  However, I have gotten better and don’t wear yoga pants every day – that is more for my mister.

I usually don’t post ALL of my parenting failures – but I do post some.

I am sarcastic online – and I’m sarcastic in real life.  But, I’ve gotten less with both.  Because often times, sarcasm doesn’t give grace to the receiver.

Yes, that I do share what God is teaching me.  But, no that I don’t share everything.  I’ve gotten in trouble in the past for sharing too much on my blog – so I’ve definitely toned that down some.  So, if you really wanna know what is going on in my heart: then you have to be in a tight group of people, and we have to be talking in a non-public context (like face to face, phone text, email, private msg, etc.

I am more extroverted online – I’m definitely more of an introvert in person.

All in all – I really do think my online self and real life self (to my close community) is the same.

Blogtember Challenge: My Non-Existent Mommy Purse

Blogtember Challenge: My Non-Existent Mommy Purse

Blogtember Purse

I’m not really one of those girls that has tons of purses and always has it with her.  I usually have one that I pick up on clearance or at Goodwill just to get me usually to church.  I have a bag that goes with me every morning to where I do my quiet times: books, sketch pad, Bible, psalter, notebooks, and plenty of pens and pencils.

I do carry my wallet: receipts, the normal stuff in your wallet, and a pen, and a small pack of notecards just in case I need one in a jiffy.  You never know when a note of encouragement might brighten someone’s day.  My wallet is a made just for me handheld by my sweet friend Leah.  I love it – gray and yellow!

Now, my current purse is one made by my cousin in Alabama.  Its cream and gorgeous.  It stands up on the bottom on its own.  I love the buttons.  I use it primarily when I’m going to church or another church function.

It holds my aforementioned wallet, tons of writing instruments (notice a theme), phone (even though its usually in my hand or pocket), keys (though they are usually attached to a belt loop), my journaling Bible, notebooks for sermon notes (I have one for each book of the Bible I’m currently studying), some receipts, change, and maybe a tube of lipstick.  I really don’t know why I have lipstick, because I almost never reapply it when I’m out somewhere.

Anyway, what’s in your purse – or do you think there is some great bag out there that I just have to have?