Blogtember: Gospel-Food-Community

Blogtember: Gospel-Food-Community

The prompt for today’s Blogtember Challenge is what am I passionate about?  Its a funny thing – passion.  Goodness, 20 years ago I would have been passionate about college football.  Yes, I still love college football and my Gators – but I’m not quite as passionate about it as I once was.  I hope the older I get, God will tweak my passions to be about things he is passionate about.

What matters most


First thing is the Gospel.

 The gospel is the fact that I am a sinner, yet Jesus, in his perfection, came and died for me on the cross.  I love living that out to people (though I fail miserably at it at times), I love singing passionately and expressively about it, I love reading about it, I love applying it to my marriage and my parenting.  The last job before I got married was designing and writing Treasuring Christ Curriculum and that was such a wonderful experience writing every day about the gospel.  That endeavor helps me even today.

Second, is food.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Not just food – like I love bacon.  But, food – that God created it for us to enjoy, that it is gorgeous and can fuel our bodies in a healthy way, and that we can enjoy it with others, or by ourselves (like taking a spoon and a carton of Talenti’s gelato and watching a few episodes of NCIS).  My favorite phrase is “Everything important happens around the table.”

Third is community.


Community is not being friends, – though that is important.  It is more about doing life with each other.  And in my experience community is hard to come by, but once you have it – it is here to stay no matter how many miles.  I live life with some of my friends via text and emails and social media.  Community is found deepest with my mister and my little misters.  I could travel the world with them and be completely content.

The way these passions work out in my every day is: writing, cooking and feeding my family, photography, and being involved in people’s lives both close by and those far away.  The gospel hopefully permeates all of that.

Blogtember: What is this blog thing about?

Blogtember: What is this blog thing about?

Blog College

If you are new to this blog (I’ve been doing it ten years), then this one picture will tell you almost everything that I’m about:

  1.  My misters: Eric, and my two littles who are full of energy.  I love to write about them and our adventures – but also love to write about marriage, parenting, shepherding children, books and resources that will help these relationships, and how to pray for your spouse and children.
  2. I love to share my photography – which is the picture of my sweet friend Leyna and her little girl M.  This was a mother’s day shoot.  I love capturing mommies with their littles.  And love, food, and other portraits.
  3. Food: I love cooking, baking, and sharing those recipes with you.
  4. The Gospel – the most important relationship is with Jesus and I hope you will find that in most of my blog posts.  The gospel infiltrates all of life!
Blogtember: My Ideal Day

Blogtember: My Ideal Day

St Simons Lighthouse

I love writing prompts.  Sometimes all you need is a little shove in the right direction to get the writing juices flowing.

All month long I’m participating in Blogtember – so follow along, and go encourage other bloggers.

My ideal day.  Well, the main components would be water, my misters, and no sin.

Two I think I can get this side of heaven, the third one – well, heaven is coming one day.  Sin just messes everything up, right?

First, the water.  I think I would wake up (after a long night’s rest of perfect quietness (well, maybe the sound of ocean waves) and kiss the three most important men in my life.  I would curl up with all three of them in a king size bed with a white duvet and have breakfast in bed (that I didn’t have to make).  Coffee pour over for my mister, apple juice for my little misters, and diet coke for me.  Then we would journey to be a big wrap around porch located on the coast.  So, that the little misters could run around and love running and the mister and I could snuggle on a porch swing while watching the waves.  Then we would all go journey together on the coast.

We would eat lunch at a quaint local place featuring some of the best seafood ever and then lick our lips while eating ice cream cones piled high with textured ice cream (like ice cream with nuts, chocolate, brownie pieces, caramel, something).  Then the boys would get a babysitter the rest of the day.

My mister and I would wander around said beach town, holding hands, having afternoon coffee with sweet friends of ours that came in to town just to encourage us and hang out, go one a photo walk with said couple and take photos of whatever our heart’s desired, then we would find a nice place to have dinner on the beach.  Maybe a picnic, maybe a fun steakhouse.  Then we would just walk and talk – like we did when we didn’t have kids.  Hard to do when you have littles who are asleep – you can’t quite leave the house.

So, like I said, it would include water…the misters…and well, maybe good food and good friends, too!

September Reads

September Reads

September Reads

I think reading is one of the best ways to better yourself.  If you are reading the Bible – it is about learning the gospel of God to know God better.  If you are reading a cookbook, then you want to make your cooking better.  If you are reading a comic book, you want to laugh better.  Get it?

Before I get to the list of mine for this month, I want to encourage you to go read this post by Doug Wilson about how to read more.  It will be of benefit to you.  I know lots of seminary profs who are friends that read several books a week.  I don’t read that fast.  I would love to get through 2-3 a month.

So here are some I’m reading this month (mostly finishing up, because I’ve started all of these – and only have a few pages left in some, but I want to complete!!)

French Women Don’t Get Fat: I am so far loving this book.  I read it at night and it gets my mind reset to keep on my healthy journey.

A Woman’s Wisdom: This is a great book and helpful to women.  Lydia Brownback writes clearly to help women in any stage of life know how to apply the Proverbs to their lives.  This will be extremely helpful to me this month, especially in my parenting journey.

Peter Pan: I love any movie about Peter Pan – and I want to get to know more about Barrie in the future.  My mister and I are currently watching Hook which he has never seen, which I personally think is one of the late Robin Williams’ best roles.

Fierce Convictions: This is a biography that is about God, the gospel, justice, and women.  It is great – and I only have a little bit left to finish it.

What are you reading this month?


Transformation Tuesday: Goal Setting

Transformation Tuesday: Goal Setting

Goal Setting for Weight Loss

Hooray for September.  Here in north Georgia we are experiencing wonderful temperatures in the 70s and 80s and cooler mornings that definitely must mean that Fall is on the way.

Even though the season of bathing suits and shorts might be coming to an end…it just means that skinny jeans and cute sweaters are in our future.  Boots are definitely a must – and I’ve come to know that when I lose weight, my boots fit better (that’s why working out your calves are so important – stairs are a great way to do that).

Goal setting in the weight loss game is something that is vital to our success.  I have done Weight Watchers just a few times, and even though I did this weight loss journey on my own, I am reminded of something that I learned from this company.  Celebrate the goals!

Here’s what I mean:

  1.  Set attainable goals.  This is probably the most important, especially if you are a competitive, goal oriented person like I am.  Goal setting (and making your goals) can help you keep active in your weight loss.  I would start with the first 5 lbs.  Everyone says that hardest thing to do ever is the first step.  Once you work up the nerve to start a new journey, making changes in your life, than it is easier to keep going than to get going.  So, make your first goal losing the first 5 lbs.  Relatively easy and attainable.  Once you read this goal, then set another: maybe 10 lbs, 10% of your current body weight, etc.  Write these goals down.  Attainable means no more than 2 pounds a week.  Any dietician will tell you that weight loss of more than 2 lbs a week is not healthy nor does it lead to sustainable weight loss.  The most I ever try to lose is 2 lbs a week but even that isn’t really attainable or realistic for me (because I love to bake).  And I like to have goal prizes too!  I do like special dates or whatever but in weight loss try to make them something applicable to your weight loss journey: a new article of clothing in a smaller size, a date to do something active (like bowling), a new pair of shoes, etc.  If you follow these simple steps in goal setting – then you will reach them!  Be persistent!
  2. Tell your goals.  I remember a few years ago, the year I ended up meeting, dating, courting, and marrying my husband, I decided to go vegetarian for a year.  How that got started is I asked a question on facebook something like “what would you do to go vegetarian for a year?”  People thought I was crazy.  And from that day forward I went vegetarian for year.  It was hard.  My husband gave me a few passes on our honeymoon.  But, all I had to do was put it in writing in a public space and it made it stick.  Most of the time that works for me.  But, what is more important is having accountability with your goals.  Have someone whom you respect and will listen to – and also someone who is a great encouragement to you – hold you accountable for your goals.  My mister has been great in that – since he never lords my weight over me – but kindly helps me stick to my goals and reminds me of where I want to be.
  3. Repeat.  When you make one of your goals – fabulous.  Celebrate!  Celebrate well.  You have just accomplished something most people don’t!  Then, set a new goal.
Blogtember Challenge: Hi Yall

Blogtember Challenge: Hi Yall


I love writing challenges.  This month will be a challenge by Brave Love Blog who encourages us with daily writing prompts to build community and have our blog tell a story – and to share that with others.

I’m Kimberly and I live in the state of Georgia.  I live with my mister of almost 4 years (next month) and my two little misters (who will be 3 and 2 this Fall).

Kimberly Headshot

Florida holds my state of home-ness.  I had a license plate when I lived in North Carolina that said FL GIRL.  My parents still live in the house I grew up in.  My brother and his wife live in the state of Florida too.  I didn’t grow up going to beaches because we had a pool, but now I think that is the best place in the world to be.  I went to college at Flagler – in St. Augustine, which I think is one of the prettiest places in the world.  I got my official start working in ministry at Anastasia Baptist Church – working with the youth there.  Learned a lot about ministry and working with others and leadership.  Met my mentor in college.  I daily see her reflection in my life.  Our second son is named after her, so yeah, I think she is pretty important.

I then moved to North Carolina – which I honestly think is quite possibly the most perfect state in the union.  I went to Southeastern Seminary, made some amazing friends, learned a lot about life and relationships, and got my life more centered on the Gospel.  I started attending an amazing church and worked with college girls.  I love discipleship.  Community and relationships.

I also got my love of cooking in college and then worked for Williams-Sonoma after seminary – so anything I I can serve around the table to bless others and fill their bellies – the better.  And I loved the great employee discount.

I loved to Louisville KY after a short stop back at home in Florida with my parents.  I worked for Southern Seminary and one of the admins there who I greatly respect.  I met more amazing friends.  I heard some gospel-centered preaching that would change how I look at the Word of God.

Then, I got my dream job writing curriculum at a church in Raleigh.  It was amazing.  God so prepared me for this job by my time in Louisville.

Then I met my husband.  Blessed event.  Short engagement.  Crazy time since then.  We’ve had two babies, lived in two different states, and always cling to the gospel and each other because we don’t know what is going to come our way.At Jekyll

Now, I’m a wife, mom, creative (photographer, writer, handletterer, chef), and someone who loves relationships, community, health and fitness, and travel (though that’s so rare right now with two littles and a tight budget).  The gospel invades all of these things at their core.

Me and the boys

I look forward to sharing more randomness for the month of September with yall.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!