W&BT Found In Him: Chapter 6

W&BT Found In Him: Chapter 6

Jesus Reigns

The beauty and glory of the Resurrection and how it impacts every moment of every day we live.  I know, its not even Valentine’s Day and I’m already talking about Easter: but as I sit and watch my littler boy squirm as he tries to take a nap, basking in the warmth of the sun in our master bedroom, I know that the only reason that he is alive and breathing and cooing and sucking on his hand is because of the Resurrection.  All living things found their start in Christ (Colossians 1, John 1)

Love Elyse’s mention of 1 Corinthians 15.  Paul reminds his reads of the GOSPEL.  We stand in the GOSPEL.  And we are growing in Christ-likeness because of the power of the GOSPEL.  All of life, from beginning to end, is about the GOSPEL!

Have you ever thought what it would have been like for Mary to hear her name from the very one who loved her, changed her life – but then had died such a horrific death?  Can you imagine her heart as it started to beat faster and she turned to see the Master?  Oh that we might know the dearness and the nearness of the One who has called us by name out of darkness into HIS marvelous light!

There is a whole blog post coming on our “believing God” but I wonder if the disciples fully believed Jesus?  Often He had told them of his resurrection, still they doubted up until the time they saw Him that Easter Sunday.  Do our actions do the same?  We say believe God – but we worry, we are anxious, we don’t like correction, we mourn as those who have no hope.  I know we live on this side of the empty grave – but still I wonder how our actions speak of our doubt – not our faith – in God and in His Word.

I had opportunity to share this one thought with a friend this week: we worry and become anxious over practicalities.  We don’t actually believe God at his word that our worry can do nothing for the event – and our worry actually tells of our disbelief – not out belief.  Mary and Martha – we see this.  This speaks to me often.  I worry about getting some place on time.  If we are later or I don’t have everything in control – this is when my non-gentle and quiet spirit appears.  And in reality it is always there – and I long for the Lord to re-create this part of my heart.

Do we let Jesus reign on our every day life – not just on Resurrection Sunday?  How have you seen God reign in your every day?


Bloggers in Bloom Recap (AFGS2014 Giveaway)

Bloggers in Bloom Recap (AFGS2014 Giveaway)


(This post has a giveaway at the end!  Please comment for a chance to win.  The AFGS provided me with these tickets at no cost to me and all opinions are my own.  Thankful for their generosity and I look forward to the event to see the beauty that will be displayed.)

All day the city of Little Rock looked like a frozen glass house.  Ice was on every tree limb and wire.  But, at a blogging and flower and foodie event: it was warm and colorful inside.

Last night I went to a wonderful event hosted at a lovely home here in Little Rock.  It was all about flowers, food, spring, the Arkansas Flower and Garden Show (coming up in a few weeks), warm weather, friends, and wine & food pairings.  What a night filled with beautiful color and helpful information and prime rib and salmon (oh the salmon)!

AFGS 2014











For me, the night was about color.

Yellow is such an inviting color.  Have it in your guest room, your entry way, or anywhere in your home where you would like people to feel completely welcome.Art can make a statement.

The owners of the home we were invited in to love art.  There was a piece on every wall.  Gorgeous ways to bring in color to your home.

Strawberries and black pepper – new fave combination!

I had on a pink scarf and there was so much purple in the room – love it!  All these different hues found everywhere at the event!

I’ve been reading in Exodus in my devotions about how God was detailing the colors for the tabernacle.  I love God gave us colors and instructed us to use them in worshiping Him!  He is a colorful, creative God!

The last thing I learned was later when I was talking with my husband about the event: make sure your home tells what is really the most important thing in life.  When people come in your home – what will they remember?  What will their takeaway be?

And I have a giveaway for you!!!  Thankful for the free tickets to the Arkansas Flower and Garden Show.  I have three pairs to giveaway to readers!  So, if you are going to be able to attend the event at the Statehouse in a few weeks, leave a comment below (only blog comments will count) about your favorite flower and how you bring it into your home to brighten up the blah months of winter.  I will pick three winners who will each get a pair of tickets to the event.  Thank you AFGS!!!  I can’t wait to attend the event on Friday morning with my family!  And if you have Sunday afternoon available – it is going to be a great time for the youngest gardeners out there!

So thankful for the Arkansas Flower and Garden Show, the owners of Colonial Wine and Spirits, Chris Olson and his talents for making flowers come to life inside your home, and the Arkansas Women Bloggers, and all those who gave us such lovely SWAG for this wonderful event.


The Word of God in the Soul of a Child

The Word of God in the Soul of a Child


This is where I am. Starting to train up our older son, who is almost 17months and already has the “no” word down pat! Definitely his favorite word. Trying to change it to godlfish, chicken nugget, yes, or something better than no.  Our conversations with our older right now are consisting of “God says to honor our father and mother. And we don’t talk to our mommy and daddy that way” – those conversations don’t seem to be getting anywhere with him – but hopefully one day they will.

One story from my childhood…I grew up attending a Christian school. And I loved Sweet Valley High books in the 6th grade. It was the thing to read in the fiction area. I think I had most of them – and never know what happened to all of them. I had loaned one of the books to a friend, who took it home and was reading it at night by flashlight as to hide it from her parents. Her mom found it, called the school, and I got in trouble. My punishment…to write out Scripture. I would tell you what Scriptures, but I don’t remember what they were. I think I mainly saw it as punishment then.

As I’ve come into being a parent, and shepherding our boys’ hearts with my husband, we definitely want our boys to have hearts that are soft to the Spirit. We want the Word to break the stony grounds of their hearts and give them hearts that desire to please The Lord, love Him, and make Him known.

How we discipline and parent has an eternal impact. Here is how.
If we think that just because we quote Scripture in our home, make them memorize the Word, even for punishment, or memorize Scripture at the table or in family worship – that our children are going to automatically love the Word and have hearts that obey it…we are wrong.
The Pharisees in the NT knew the law and obeyed it – but their hearts were far from them. There are many who know the right words to say but inside they have cold hearts toward the gospel.
Here may be a better way to parent with the soul of your child in mind:
As you have the need to discipline:
1. Pray for yourself as you need to discipline your child. Pray that your heart would be one of correction for the purpose of training in the fear of The Lord and not out of anger, inconvenience, etc. Your heart matters.
2. Identify the heart of the problem. That may mean you first have to stop the outward disobedience, but there is always a heart problem.
3. Know verses that correspond to these heart problems. Whatever heart problem there is – Scripture has an answer! The Gospel is the answer!
4. Tell them those verses with a humble heart. Be humble before your kids. We are all sinners. That will go a long way with your children.
5. Encourage them to learn these Scriptures – and you learn them along with them. That will encourage them that they are not alone in their sin journey – and journey in sanctification.
6. If your children have received Christ – talk to them about how as believers our desire should be to grow in godliness and have hearts that please The Lord. Not out of have-to but out of want-to.
7. Pray for your children. Pray, aloud, in front of them, that the Spirit would soften their hearts towards the Gospel. Pray they would come to serve God as The Lord of their life and that they would obey His Word.
8. Pray for behavior change – but more importantly heart change. And know and rest in the fact that you can’t do anything about the heart change. That is all the fabulous work of the Perfect Holy Spirit.

And in that, as parents and as sinners, we can rest!

Link Love

link love

Here it is Wednesday, again. I sometimes think time flies, and sometimes I think the weeks crawl by!
Here are some of my favorite things on the web this week.

This book is coming out. I’m very excited and Carolyn is one of my favorite authors. I look forward to hearing what she has to say about success and how we define it as women.

These bowls. Wow – such gorgeous plating options. I read an interview with her in this month’s Southern Living. I’m glad you can buy her creations on line, but I look forward to going there on a future visit to NC. My MIL would love that store, too.

My husband is wanting to eat more healthy, leafy greens.  I think I might try this recipe soon.

These free downloads from a Pair of Pears.

I love spaghetti squash and her recipe looks so yummy.  Perfect for cold nights.

I’m putting together my desk space which is right now (oh for the next 10 years or so) in our dining room.  I’d love to make it pretty and functional as it is also our dining room – and all me and inspirational.  So, I looked at hers for some inspiration.

And since I’m working on said desk space and baking cookies and have a baby who needs feeding – I’ll let yall go with these for this week.

Fit Friday Links

Fit Friday Links

Fit Friday Links

Welcome to Friday. Its been a difficult week to do anything in the way of exercise because all I want to do is go outside and walk – but that is hard when the wind is blowing, you have two under 17m and the air is arctic (compared to Florida sunshine and warmth).
So this weekend is supposed to be in the 50s so the Mister and I will get some walking in with the boys.
But, thought I would pass along some healthy blogs I’ve read this week – whether they are encouraging us to exercise or some delicious recipes – I hope you find a take-away in these links!
Be healthy this weekend!

My most memorable stuffed peppers are the ones my then boyfriend made on the night we got engaged.  He knew I was doing vegetarian for a year and made some black beans stuffed green peppers.  Here is a recipe for some pretty quinoa stuffed peppers.  Add a side salad and its a perfect light and inexpensive dinner.

Two of my favorite things combined in one recipe: brussel sprouts and avocadoes!  This is a beautiful salad that would be paired well with a lean meat or eaten for lunch with a slice of toasted sourdough (which makes every day better)

Healthy living includes mental health as well.  Here are some timely tips from Jessica for living without un-needed guilt.

Some of you asked about the juice or raw detox I did.  Here are some reasons of why juicing could help you!

Enjoy some sunshine where you are this weekend.  Enjoy the time spent with loved ones.  And eat some good food!  Read a book.  Laugh with your kids.  These are all healthy things to do!


Link Love

link love

This week I found myself loving these finds:

1. I love her exfoliation posts. No, this has nothing to do with your skin – but your stuff. I do routinely think about things we have and what we need to get rid of, but my two main exfoliation times in our home are two times a year when our church has a share and swap. Great place to get rid of gently used, still quality items we don’t need anymore.

2. This hot chocolate will be made on our marriage retreat next wknd. I need to borrow some really cute espresso cups so I can take great photograph – but her photography makes me smile and stand in wonder at what a camera can do to a mug of hot chocolate.

3.  We all have influence.  How do you use the influence you do have with your audience?

4.  I love the salted caramel recipe I use.  I am going to make these almonds soon to go in some brownies for a dinner we are having with some friends and their kiddos!

5.  Love this video on sanctification and justification.  This has been a topic I’ve been thinking about recently so it was perfect timing.  Thanks TGC!


Is there anything out there I should be reading?  Cooking?  Photographing?