Fashion Fit Fridays

Fashion Fit Fridays



Milestone week!

My baby is just 2 months (today) and I hit the 50 lb weight loss mark yesterday!  Very exciting.  People are asking me how I’ve done it and will continue;

1.  Who has time to eat when you have two boys under 15 months?

2.  Determination.

3.  Press your NO THANK YOU button – a LOT!

4.  Exercise as much as you can – which is hard because its been cold but I need to do this more.

5.  Set attainable goals.  I’m planning on doing a 10k in April and I want to be 3lbs less by my birthday.

The above picture was taken at a friend’s house when we dropped off the boys so we could go hear the Little Rock Wind Symphony for their Christmas concert.  It was fun.

This hat – I’ve gotten the most compliments on it EVER!  And I think my friend Kasey gave me this JCrew sweater – which I LOVE!

Press on!


Hello December 12: Freedom

Hello December 12: Freedom

Glory Be

I make it no secret that I have two favorite Christian Christmas CDs: Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God and Sojourn’s Advent Songs. I went to Sojourn when I lived in Louisville and loved singing the Advent songs. I could listen to both of these albums year round all the time!
I also have a favorite guitar lick ever – it is found in Glory Be, the second song on the advent cd.
This year, in thinking of the sins that beset each of us, and the reason that Jesus came to earth in the first place, I love this line in that song:
Sing for joy, all the earth, Messiah’s come to set you free.

It is amazing that Jesus, the eternal Son of God, who was the spoken Word of God at creation – came to earth to set me free from the bondage of sin. As Elyse Fitzpatrick says in her new book Found In Him, “He is not shocked or surprised by your weakness or sin.” (pg 30). Isn’t it amazing that this statement is true – and yet God still loves us. And sent Jesus?

What sin do you need Jesus to set you free from this Christmas? Let us rejoice!  And all for His glory.  GLORY BE!

“Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Romans 7:24-25a

Unwrapping Tuesdays

Unwrapping Tuesdays

Today, as in most ordinary Tuesdays, I’m spending some time in the kitchen.  Being that this is December and I have some friends over, I’m spending most of my day in the kitchen.  So here is a look at some of the fun we’ve had today!  Don’t you wish you could join us?

How do you spend time with friends during the holidays?  What do you give as gifts as the holidays?  What foodie gifts are your favorites?

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Hello December 10: LaLa Time

Hello December 10: LaLa Time


This morning, a cold, still below freezing morning, I’ve already been up three times.  2:30, 4:30, and 5:30.

Then I just decided to stay up and try out Kristen’s Happiness Time – which I’m calling Lala time.  Saying Lala – destresses me.

I don’t know what I’ll do with this time each morning, but I know it will include reading, looking at blogs, and writing cards – and who knows what else.

Hello December 8: The French Press

Hello December 8: The French Press


How do you find ways to serve others around you?

We’ve both been sick in our home – and have two kids ages 15m and under.  So, its been a little crazy.  And we’re iced in – literally our driveway is a sheet of ice.

I don’t drink coffee.  My husband does.  Usually he settles for Keurig.  Today, he got Airship French Press.

Serving will never be a bad thing…if done with a right spirit.
