Hello December

Hello December

Day 1.
My husband is a worship pastor and chose Jesus I Am Resting Resting as December’s Song of the Month.
One of the ways I want to rest in December is by taking just a short few minutes each day and write. Not to write about anything specific, but just tell you something that brings me joy and happiness.
Today: New friends bring me joy. I’m happy to have friends at the church we are a part of. Friends that will love on my baby, make me laugh, compliment my scarf, be a blessing to my husband, and ones that will encourage me.
Thank you. And happy December to all of you!

Arkansas Women Bloggers’ Family Life Day

Living in Little Rock has its privileges.  Not only are there some great parks, some good restaurants, and my family (of course) – but there is also a great family ministry called Family Life.  Family Life started a year before I was born and is a ministry arm of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Barbara Rainey, the wife of Dennis Rainey, who is President of Family Life, and Tracey Eyster, director of MomLife Today, hosted the AR Women Blogger’s for a tour, delicious lunch, and power networking today.  It was a perfect day for soup, paninis, and salad, as well as a warm apple crisp for dessert.

We also got to learn about Mrs. Rainey’s vision behind Ever Thine Home – her relatively new line of holiday décor that helps moms weave in the hope of the Gospel into some of the major holidays.

It was a great day meeting other women bloggers from around the state, learning how we as moms can influence our homes with the gospel, and talk blogging and life.

Fashionable Fit Fridays

Fashionable Fit Fridays


Today is brought to you by the word: Persevere

That is the word in every runner’s vocabulary. Every person who has ever succeeded in any fitness forum has used this word probably every day of their lives. And this week, it has had to be in mine. Its been colder here this week, and I’ve just gotten short times of exercise in with the boys around the neighborhood or to the library, but I’ve had more control over what I’ve put in my mouth. That is what has helped the scale move more this week.

1. 39 lbs down, many more to go. I rejoice in the little goals, but always keep the end goal in sight!
2. Salads are going well. Many people ask me what I’m having – just whatever looks good in the produce aisle.
3. My friend Courtney wrote this blog post on post-baby bodies/fitness/losing weight. If you are in the same boat I am, please go read this. My response to her on FB Was I wholeheartedly agree, but that doesn’t give me the right to be lazy and keep the weight on.
4. Dec 9 I will be cleared to exercise again (besides walking). I’m looking forward to doing videos in my home during nap time for the boys.
5. With the holidays right around the corner, what are your goals now for eating right and staying active? I have full control over the menu for our Thanksgiving meal (with my parents) so I look forward to creating a healthy menu!

Practicing the Art of Gratitude

Facebook has a way of dictating our lives, don’t you think? Or any other social media for that matter. At least in the month of November, that happens to be a good thing. More and more people are choosing to be thankful for 30 things during this month, and putting it on facebook helps them recount all the things and people they are thankful for. Even though I am not taking part in those postings, I did have a word of wisdom spoken to me the other day that I thought I would share.

As my MIL and I were heading toward a women’s event at our church this past weekend, she said how thankful she was to even get to be here to hold her grandsons even if they did cry or get up in the middle of the night or she had to change their diapers (which all of them happened a lot).  That was so convicting for me.

I know I had said I was thankful the delivery went well and that I had friends to help.  And I know I said how cute the boys were.  But, had I thanked God aloud that I get to be their Mommy?  Not that I recall.

When hard times or periods of sleepless nights or trials come into your life – do you remember to thank God for that?  How do you thank God – every day – not just while sitting around the Thanksgiving table?

“Prayer in the name of Christ ends with a calm and joyous Amen; for Jesus Himself is the Amen of God, in whom all promises and gifts of God are sealed.” – Saphir

Fashionably Fit Fridays

Fashionably Fit Fridays

“But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.” – Romans 6:17-18

Another journey – here we go!
If you have read this blog for any period of time, or known me my whole life, this weight loss/fitness/healthy lifestyle has been something that has come and gone. Since I’ve gotten married, and had two children, I have gained 77 lbs as of today (with having lost 15 from delivering our second baby 5 days ago). I’ve got a long way to go.
There are many reasons why I want to lose weight, get healthy, etc:
1. For myself. I love fashion and wearing stylish cute things (for me) looks better when I’m thinner.
2. For my husband. He married me. He loves me. He wants me to be healthy.
3. For my sons. I want to be able to be active with them, be here for them for a long time, Lord willing.
4. For the love of God. I want to be a healthy example of a Christian who lives freely under the authority of God’s Word – because He loves me. I have a book in my head, outlined, and some chapters written.
Personally – I know I feel better, look better, am more confident when I am thinner. Ask my husband and my mother.
So, here we go. Here are two pictures.
One was taken at my heaviest which was on my second anniversary, Oct 8, 2013. I’ll spare you the weight for now. The next one was taken yesterday as we went to the pumpkin patch down the street, 4 days after the birth of our sweet second.
So, on these Friday posts – I’d like to show some updates, talk encouragement, post some healthy recipes, fashion, pictures, etc. I hope you follow along and are encouraged as well!

Update: Week 2 – now down a total of 34.8 lbs since having baby. I’ve lost all the weight for baby2.   All the fluid is gone.  I can wear my engagement ring (waiting on my wedding band to fit).  I’m down to mostly regular clothes except for a denim skirt and a pair of jeans.  I’ve set a reasonable but tough goal for my birthday – and the start of a Florida “vacation” in January.

post sebastian starting


#31days: Quotes 25 (a million little ways)

#31days: Quotes 25 (a million little ways)

Eno Hiking Durham

“All earthly things are the shadows of heavenly realities – the expression, in created, visible forms, of the invisible glory of God.” – Andrew Murray

I’m beginning the study of a million little ways by Emily Freeman. How to live all of life in a creative fashion after the order and ways of the Creator God.
This is going to be a fun ride! Come along over at (in)courage and the bloom study of this book. Just started this week!

(Photo taken Durham NC, October 2011)