Wives vs Dogs

Wives vs Dogs

The old saying goes “a dog is a man’s best friend” – but is a dog a better spouse?

The new country song hitting the airwaves, climbing the charts, might make men reconsider marrying, and encourage them to go down to their county’s SPCA branch instead.

Curly-haired, country hit singer, Billy Currington has another winner on his hands.  At least in the minds of country record execs.  Here are the lyrics:

He never tells me that he’s sick of this house
He never says why don’t you get off that couch?
He dont cost me nothin when he wants to go out
I want you to love me like my dog

He never says I need a new attitude
Him and my sister ain’t always in a feud
When I leave the seat up he don’t think that
it’s rude I want you to love me like my dog does Baby

When I come home, I want you to just go crazy
He never looks at me like he might hate me
I want you to love me like my dog

He never acts like he don’t care for my friends
He never asks me “Where ‘n the hell have you been?”
He don’t play dead when I want to pet him
I want you to love my like my dog does,

He never says, “I wish you made more money”
He always thinks that pull my finger’s funny
I want you to love me like my dog

He don’t get made at me and throw a major fit
When I say his sister is a b*

Here are my FIVE QUESTIONS for wives, just some things to consider:

1.  Do you constantly nag or complain to your husband?  It could be about his friends, job, schedule, schooling, ministry responsibilities, or his salary.  I am not saying you should never share your opinions or question a friendship he has (especially if you see it leading your husband away from God), but does your husband actually enjoy hearing you talk because complaints don’t always come out of your mouth?  Scripture: Proverbs 19:13, Proverbs 21:9, Prov 27:15, Ephesians 4:29, Ephesians 5:33

2.  Are you demanding of the finer things in life?  Are you satisfied with what you have and what your husband has provided for you and your family?  Right now my husband has asked me for my birthday and Christmas list.  As I say “I want…” I think about these questions.  These aren’t even expensive items, but still living in a state of “pinterest” desires.  Scripture: Ps 145:16, Isaiah 55:2, Matthew 6:24-34

3.  Do you get along with his family?  Does he often feel like he has to choose between you and his mother/father/siblings?  Do you strive to live in peace with everyone, even if you don’t get to have your way all the time?  Often times, parents are the most important relationship to a husband outside of his own wife/children.  Do you make that relationship easy or hard by your attitude?  Scripture: Colossians 3:20, Romans 12:18

4.  Do you make him glad to come home?  Or do you look horrible (no make up, bathrobe, dirty clothes), smell bad (have you brushed your teeth or put on deodarant today), or bombard him with how bad your day has been?  Let him come in the door, breathe for 15 minutes, give him a hug and kiss, try to be home when he arrives, be a good aroma for him.  Scripture: Titus 2:4-5

5.  Do you ignore/refuse his sexual advances?  Does he even bother trying to “come on” to you anymore because you have negated or swat his hand every time he has tried?  Are you willing to give him sometime in the morning or evening, if he so desires?  Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7

Much and Link Love: Last of November edition

Much and Link Love: Last of November edition

Well, Thanksgiving is behind us now.  Almost all the leftovers are out of our fridge.  Whole Foods parking lot is back to normal and life returns to normalcy for a few weeks.  I am writing on Psalm 23 today and have been reading commentaries on it this weekend.  We need this in our lives (everyday).

1.  I loved having 5 days with my husband – it was like a mini-honeymoon again. 

2.  Hugo is a really cute movie – though the marketing ploy to put in Jude Law was a rip off (not that I cared), but he was in there for like 30 seconds or so…

3.  Watching football with my FIL on Thursday was great – even though the football wasn’t stellar.  I miss football.  But, I get a lot more accomplished around the house and have better conversations with my husband without it.

4.  We were going to hit Kohls at midnight, but after hitting Michaels in the evening, I fell asleep while we had a movie on the tv.  But, we still hit Kohls on Friday night and it wasn’t crowded at all.  Got great deals – I love Kohls!

5.  Q3 of this is all done editing!  And i’ve got three new writers to help!  Love teamwork! 

6.  This week is about Raleigh and buying our first Christmas tree.  I am looking forward to all of it.

7.  If you have children, you need to get this Bible.  What a great Christmas gift!

8.  I am finishing two craft projects this week (I know, who am I?): a Christmas wreath and an advent calendar. My husband is patient.  My “craft table” right now is our rolling chopping block. 

9.  First Thanksgiving with the in-laws went great.  Good food and time together.  Thankful for in-laws who love me, love their son, and love Jesus.

10.  Bring on December.  Looking forward to holiday parties, chances to cook and bake, an open house, and days spent with my husband (maybe a snow too)!

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

I almost do this list out of obligation for blog world because everyone else on the scene does one, but I’ll try to make mine somewhat original.

1.  For Christ – who shows me every day that I am an ugly sinner.  But, no matter how ugly I am – He has saved me with an abundant grace that transforms that ugliness.

2.  EC – EC is definitely the best gift ever given to me.  And I’ve had some good ones.  But, EC is the one person that I don’t get tired of being with, I love to laugh with and be silly with, I cry with.  Love – you are treasured by me.  I hope I have many years to show you how much you are treasured!

3.  Faithful preaching of the Word of God – being at FBCDurham and under the preaching of Andy Davis has been a blessing.  He is faithfully going (slowly) through Hebrews.  It has encouraged me every Sunday.

4.  Friends.  So many in particular, but I can tell them in emails.  I love them – and I love them dearly.  It is great to have friends.

5.  Travel.  It is a blessing to be able to travel.  I took the longest road trip of my life this year up the East Coast and into Canada.  I’d do it again tomorrow.  To see the beauty of the world God created – for me to enjoy – and to give Him great glory.

6.  Laptops.  I love them.  That means that I can do my writing from anywhere: like Madhatters, my red couch, or Panera.  It is definitely wonderful to have portability.

7.  My Parents.  Who care for me, love me, and still love me after all these years.

8.  My Granny.  She passed away on March 3.  I still miss her to this day and every time I talk about her I do cry.  I miss you, Granny.  This will be our first Thanksgiving without her.

9.  The folks I work with at Providence/Treasuring Christ: Steve, Blake, Bryan, Nick, Laurie, Tana, Amy, Jennifer, Michele, Laura, Shannon, Daniel.  Ya’ll are a blessing to this endeavor.

10.  For a life that I’ve always wanted.  A husband who loves me, a church that preaches the Word, a job that allows me to do what I love, reach the world, and do it from anywhere I want, friends who love me and care about me, and hope of when it is all gone – I’ll have something far better.  I was not made for mud pies and I wasn’t made for this world.


Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Noel Piper on Children in Worship

This post received feedback.  I took all into consideration, however, still did not change my mind.  Reading Noel Piper this morning, I was again strengthened as to the teaching of the Word on this subject.

“This brings up the need to train young children to sit through church services.  I started easing mine into the habit when they were about three.  That meant sitting on the end of an out-of-the-way-pew so we could slip out if we needed to.  We knew that the best way for a child to learn how to worship is to see Mom and Dad worshiping.  we wanted our children to be part of the whole congregation as soon as they and we could manage it.  Yes, it’s different for different children.  And yes, Mom’s and Dad’s worship is pretty distracted for a while.  But that’s what parents do: we live a less-than-ideal (by some standards) life for a few years so we can bring our children up to be adults with us.”

Noel Piper, Treasuring God in Our Traditions, pg 45

Much and Link Love : Thanksgiving week 2011

Much and Link Love : Thanksgiving week 2011

No, this isn’t primarily a post on Thanksgiving – or even close.  Maybe I’ll get to that on Wednesday. 

1.  I am learning every day what it means to be my husband’s help-meet – one suitable to him and him alone.  He helps me in that endeavor.  If you are a wife: are you striving to please God by learning and studying your spouse so you can be a better helper to him?

2.  First thanksgiving to cook for the in-laws.  I’m not nervous about cooking – but I have more thoughts running around in my brain and heart.

3.  Yesterday I was thinking how my life looked so different from this time last year.  I wasn’t watching an NFL game – rushing home from church to catch kick-off.  I don’t know when I would have time to watch football now.  Life is busier.  And yes, I do miss football.  I guess some things gets pushed out for more important things.

4.  I am starting to think about my 2012 goals – not trying to overdue it, but to have achievable, specific goals – and lofty ideals that I would like to move toward.  Already I can think of my 2011 goals and how none of them came about – but something more important happened that I was unaware of when I wrote them.  I got married.  But, God’s plans are definitely better than our plans!

5.  There are many changes going in life.  At some points I do miss the familiarity of the past – but anticipate great things with the One who orchestrates everything in my life.  May I continue to walk with God like Enoch did (great sermon by my pastor, Andy Davis, here).

6.  What are you giving toward to this holiday season: charities, etc. I often feel bad for not giving to everything that rings or has signs posted when you check out.  But, I don’t think it is right that we give to every cause under the sun.  We need to be mindful and prayerful about where we spend our money. 

Links.  One general comment about some of the discussions going around blog world these days.  Why don’t we quit with semantics and agree to believe the Bible and love Jesus.  Really?

1.  Love this discussion about dad-moms (working, not working at home) between Laura Ortberg and Owen Strachan.  Provides o thought in a world that may not value the gender roles (or some aspects) that Scripture prescribes.

2.  My friend, Courtney, writes a sweet and true Thanksgiving blog from Psalm 103.

3.  Do you tend to get antsy when your schedule gets very demanding?  I know I do – even though I thrive in a season of busyness – I think I did that better before I was married.  Now, my thought is how in the world am I going to get everything done while my husband is at work so I can be able to spend time with him?  This post by Stephen Altrogge will come in handy, especially during this holiday season.

4.  I’ve been having conversations about this reality lately.

5.  How fresh do you eat?

6.  This post rang too true for me.  Another reason I really do like not having internet at home.

7.  I enjoyed going to this last Christmas, and I plan on going this year!  She has come fun gift ideas!

8.  My talented and thought-provoking friend, Rebecca, on rest. (Yes, even as a grad student).  She has always been a source of thought for me.  I can’t wait to hopefully see her in February in Savannah.


Much and Link Love: November 14 Edition

Good afternoon from a Third Place.

When I was praying with my husband this morning as he drove to a meeting, I realized just how crazy life would be for the next 10 days.  I got a little frantic.  Really, no more busy than normal – but my new normal has a home and a husband that needs daily attention.  So, that is always my first priority after my walk with God – and even if I don’t plan a lot of things in one week – somehow it gets busy.

Last night I was listening to him teach on 1 Corinthians 7 in our home group – and the question that I had previously written in the margin (love my ESV Journaling Bible) was “What is my current assignment?”  I will be writing more on that subject later when I hash it out a little more, but it has definitely changed since I got married.  Still making calendaring adjustments.  EC has been very gracious as I learn these valuable lessons.

Then I woke up earlier than the hubs this morning and wanted to share with him my dream.  I dreamed that he finally (after letting annoyance build up inside him) blurted out that he hated when I spoke in passive voice rather than using active voice.  He laughed.  He doesn’t care which voice I use.  Seriously – silly dream.  (and I do love my editor)!

So…here goes:

1.  I’ve cooked a lot this wknd, so I’ll be sharing some recipes when life slows down a bit.

2.  For the time being, we have decided to not have internet at home.  After reading a section in Danny Akin’s book God on Sex, I realized how much temptation would be in my home if we had it.  I really need it for work – but I would use it to waste time when I should be doing the laundry, reading, exercising, cooking meals, spending time with my husband.  My sin wouldn’t be to go on websites I shouldn’t be on, etc.  But my sin of wasting time would be just as bad to our marriage and our home.

3.  I get to hear Mark Chanski tonight.  Very excited as he has written Womanly Dominion and has been married for over 30 years and has been a pastor for much of that time.  Look for more on this tomorrow.

4.  My friend Leah posted on her thoughts from our wedding weekend

5.  One of the latest books I’ll get to review for Crossway is Dr. K’s book on Excellence.  Read Dr. Ashford’s interview here.

6.  I can’t wait to celebrate Thanksgiving in Williamsburg this year.

7.  Christmas – so close, yet so far, then I’ll be really old – like 35.  Yuck – actually I love birthdays!