Much and Link Love: June 20 Edition

1.  Planning a wedding is fun: and time consuming!

2.  Delegation in all of life (well, most) is needed and helpful and humbling.

3.  I love the people who are around me that I get to do life with!

4.  And at times, I wish I could do everything myself, but it would not be near as good.

5.  How do you bless others?  how do you make it a priority in your family to bless others?

6.  My Dad is a great Dad – he’s taken good care of me for 34.5 years and loves me more than anything (and he’s a fabulous genealogist, and he didn’t pay me to say this)!

7.  The Connecting Conference is where you need to be in August!


Link Love:

1.  Love this new resurgence post on being a wife.

2.  Thank you Denny Burk for posting this: one of the songs in our wedding.

3.  A pastor in Louisville about how to teach your children about God.  Excellent.  So glad he is one of Eric’s best friends.

4.  See what my friend (who is a wonderful teacher and Mom) is developing to teach her daughter.

5.  Wonderful tastes of summer!  Thanks nick.

6.  Love CCEF, Ed Welch, and sexual purity.


Much & Link Love: June 13 Edition

Much & Link Love: June 13 Edition

1.  Wow – its been a long time.  Alaska was in the middle of it, then Memorial Day, then a half marathon, then… I GOT ENGAGED!!!

2.  Yes, folks, you heard me right!  I’m getting married to Mr. Eric Campbell – you should go check out his music.

3.  God is amazingly gracious in my life.  I really think the last 15 months of my life have the been the hardest and the best.  And I think the next 4 will be the most hectic!  But, bring it! 🙂

4.  The Curriculum launch went so well and we’ve had overwhelming response to it by several people: Thank you Dr. Moore, Dr. Reid, and Jared Kennedy!

5.  June is going to be a busy month: complete with wedding planning, writing, a hiking wknd with a friend, and a lake visit!  Have I mentioned I love water?

6.  One of my sweet couple friends welcomed a new baby in the world over the weekend and one is about to bring another sweet baby girl into the world tonight or tomorrow.  I love babies!

Anyway, these are some great links I’ve been saving to share!

1.  My former boss taught a class then wrote a book with fellow VP, Dan Dumas, all on Biblical Manhood.  SO GOOD!

2.  I had this on the big boat – need to make it.  Healthy and yummy and perfect for summer!

3.  Love this post by Matt Chandler!

4.  I really love a natural food way of looking at health (instead of medicine).  God gave us so much.  here is a great read if you suffer from headaches!

5.  Love this video talk by Piper, Keller, and Carson – three amazing men of God.

6.  My friend David posted a great post for preparing for peace in relationships.  So vital, especially in light of upcoming nuptials!

Treasuring Christ Curriculum

Treasuring Christ Curriculum

For the Church. For the Nations.  For the Glory of God.

Some of you who are long time readers of this blog know that I moved back to Raleigh in March of 2010 to begin a job as a curriculum writer for Providence Baptist Church.  This is technically my dream job.  I never thought my dream job would be so hard, so big, or so rewarding.  Honestly.

You can check out the website here, but I wanted to give an insiders view to the Curriculum.

I didn’t realize how time consuming and exhausting creativity could be.  I love to write Bible studies and encourage others to be in the Word.  But, teachers – I’ll hand it to you – making lesson plans day after day – you are my heroes!

This curriculum has been on my mind a lot.  I’ll be listening to a sermon, a devotional, a song, or see a game or a craft – and think “what lesson could I use that in?”.  I love it when a job is free enough to let me do that and have it not be a burden.

I could never do this on my own:

Steve Wright: Boss!  Thank you for giving me this opportunity.  Thank you for your encouragement and for pushing me in this direction almost daily.  Thank you for grace.  Thank you for your wisdom in the Connecting Church and Home Piece.  Maybe one day I’ll get to write one because I’ll be a parent – but most of it will be what I learned from you!

Blake/Nick/Joel/Bryan/Tana/Laurie/Shannon/Neal and Heather/Mike: Guys – you are a pleasure to serve with in many different ways and for different amount of times.  Thank you for your editing, your ideas, your crazy intro ideas, your hours of planning with me, book borrowing, etc.

Amy/Michele/Jennifer/Todd : These are the people behind the scenes – but you see their beautiful work.  Amy: you make me laugh and grin with your artwork.  Jennifer – no one would read this curriculum if you weren’t such a gracious editor.  Michele: your design ability blows my mind.  It is beautiful because of your work.  Todd: your diligence into the website design was great – thank you for your patience and hard work.

Jared K/Randy S/TPJ/Michael/Jesse/Dr. Ware/Ken Coley and countless others: Your impact on my life in ministry has been so profound and believe me – much of what you have taught me over the years is in this curriculum.  Thank you.

So, needless to say, this effort and resource that is still being made to help the next generation to Treasure Christ – it is for God’s glory – was not the result of me: but by an amazing team that I serve with here at Providence (including the pastors and elders that are such an encouragement to me in every step of this journey).

So…is your church needing a nw curriculum for everyone under the age of 18?  Do you want a tool your parents can use to help teach their children to worship Christ and treasure Him above all else?  Do you have a heart for the nations and want to see the Gospel taken to all peoples?  Do you serve at a church where you don’t have a large budget for SS curriculum?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions – this curriculum is worth your look.

I certainly think so – and hopefully I’m not too biased!

I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have too:



Much & Link Love: May 15 Edition

Much & Link Love: May 15 Edition

1.  I had a lovely time up at Kerr Lake this weekend – amidst storms and books and subway sandwiches and solitaire.  I took this photo (above).  Very relaxing.

2.  4 days till Alaska.  I love to travel and can’t wait to get to Seattle and then board a boat!

3.  A good friend of mine from Louisville was unanimously approved last night to be the new Student Pastor at Providence!  So excited to get to share life (and books) again with this family!

4.  Communication is so key in every relationship!

5.  I am not bringing any work stuff with me to Alaska.  The only reason I’m bringing the laptop is so I can download pictures off my camera to my laptop so my card won’t get full.  I’ll have my phone with me but primarily for answering personal emails, making phone calls in port cities, and sending mobile pictures to people who can’t enjoy Alaska with me.  I’m only bringing fun books – not theology books.  So EXCITED for Thursday – Sunday week.  Needed break!

6.  But that means I have a lot to do this week!

7.  Finishing up Randy Newman’s new book about sharing the gospel with people you are closest too (mainly, family).

8.  You should see my desk: seriously…books and print out of books – EVERYWHERE.  I am looking forward to Wednesday afternoon when it will be cleaned off! 🙂  I won’t know what to do with a clean desk!  – but see #5 – I won’t be here to see it!

Link Love

1.  Do you want to be a better writer?

2.  Bruce Ashford introduced me to this man, and here is a video Justin Taylor highlighted last week.

3.  Love my friend Courtney’s view on marriage.

4.  If you haven’t read this: stop whatever you are doing and read it now: and be encouraged.

Much and Link Love: May 9 Edition

Wow – long but good week.

1.  I finished writing Quarter 2 of this

2.  Then immediately I left for Louisville to celebrate him.  Such a blessing of a weekend to hang out with the Myers, the Weldys, my profs, the Jones girls, and two of these guys on this album

3.  I saw one of the prettiest sunsets in KY ever – right when we crossed into the state.  Picture coming when I get it off my camera.

4.  Celebrate Mother’s Day yesterday by hanging out with a dear family and calling my Momma.  I’ll see her in 11 days when we head off on a cruise to Alaska.  Can’t believe it is so close!

5.  Things are cranking around here for the curriculum.  Wow – God is doing some amazing things.

6.  I love road trips! 🙂

7.  Watched The Conspirator yesterday.  Very good, intense, and a little depressing.  If you have seen it – what do you think should have happened?

Link Love

1.  In honor of the Derby this past wknd (no, that’s not the reason I went to the Ville): here is the perfect recipe

2.  I’ve learned that this couple really does live out well the life of a servant-hood God glorifying marriage.

Ok – that is really all this week.  I was out for 4 days and writing much during the time I was in town.  So, enjoy the recipe and a blog post on marriage! 🙂



Truth Endures: John Macarthur

The name John MacArthur brings a lot of great thoughts to mind: faithful, preacher, WORD, truth, California.  He has been a steady and amazing influence on the Christian conservative world for over 40 years now.

Crossway Books published sermons from 40 years of faithful preaching in the book Truth Endures. It is a fabulous resource.  You may be like me: actually wanting to read books, not always print off sermons online or read a computer screen.  That is why I like this book.  I can read a sermon by bending the spine back, highlighter in hand, pen ready, heart open to read God’s truth through the preaching of this man.

This book will be a great resource for your library: complete with Scripture index!