Wilmington Getaway: Stemmerman’s Inn

Wilmington Getaway: Stemmerman’s Inn

Back in the summer I went on a photo shoot with a friend and we got invited to an event at 128 South, it was fabulous.  128 South is a hall/room/venue attached to the Stemmerman’s Inn.  For the same price you can get a medium-grade hotel room, you can stay in a unique loft-style, kitchenette including, brick-exposed, unique room with a view of the Cape Fear and a little porch.  Now, granted, it was 35 degrees or cooler when I went, but hey, what’s a girl gonna do.  I gotta get my river fix!

These may not be usual “inn” pictures that you will find in most reviews, but what I care about are the details.  This green vase was my favorite part of the main floor, and I stared at it every time I went by.  The bathroom was the bathroom: with a white pedastal sink to go with the old-inn feel.  The kitchenette was well stocked with everything you might need for a cozy dinner for 1 or 2 when dining at the little cafe type table in the eat-in kitchen.  If seated at the table, you can gaze out the floor to ceiling windows that overlook the porch and look out onto the Cape Fear.  The sunset was amazing last night.

If you make your way up the L-white spindle staircase, you will find a huge, welcoming king size bed.  Again, I loved the simplicity of the headboard.  There was a small open closet, a flat screen (with cable), and a night stand with lamp.  That was all, oh, and a small dresser.  So.  Simple.  I LOVED it.

This room (#7) also came with everything you might find in a generic hotel room and even a washer and dryer.  How’s that for handy?

The staff was courteous and gave me plenty of options for dinner (The Stemmerman is within walking distance to restaurants of any ethnicity and price-range).  It was quieter than I thought it was going to be, too (which I was very glad). 

Check-in time is 3pm, check out time is 11am and there is parking (street parking you have to pay for in Wilmington, so I was thankful for their free lot). 

I would go here again in a heartbeat.  May make it a yearly birthday tradition.  Downtown Wilmington (when not tourist season) is fabulous, because of its history, fashion, and beautiful churches (not to mention great food).

So, if you get a chance, go.  Stay.  Love the Stemmerman as much as I did.  Fall in love with the details.

Bestowing Honor

Bestowing Honor

Paul says in the book of Romans: “Outdo one another in showing honor.” (Romans 12:10)

Well, I want to do just that on this post.  Right now I am laying on a king size bed in a little inn on the banks of the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, NC.  Thanks to my parents.  See, I was born.  They like to give birthday gifts.  This was mine this year.  Yeah!  I like to help them succeed in giving good gifts!

So…I don’t brag on my parents enough:

1.  Only ones who still love me when I argue back, want my own way, am selfish, have no makeup on, want want want, burn food, smell, and any other things I can think of that aren’t loveable.

2.  They will always love me.  That is reassuring, and challenging at the same time.

3.  They sacrificed when I was growing up and sent both the bro and I to a Christian school.  Thankful for that sacrifice.

4.  They allowed me to make a choice on churches in high school that would forever alter my path of life.

5.  They encourage me in every endeavor – well, smart ones.  But in the bad ones they let me make mistakes and help me pick up the pieces (I think of relationships and stupid money usage and burnt pork chops for Thanksgiving dinner.)

6.  My Dad: a hard worker, a very gracious person (I’m glad I learn that from him), a wise person, one of the most patient people I know.

7.  My Mom: cares so much about others and likes acts of service (again, I get this from her), faithful, will cry for me when I won’t cry for myself, and my biggest fan (like all mother’s should be.)

I love them.  They are great.  Will I parent (maybe, one day) just like them – no.  Some things will change.  But, I hope my children will be able to know their grandparents one day.  And I hope I take some of their traits into parenting, or even into my relationships with other people

Thank you Mom and Dad

Update on 2011 Goals on 1.11.11

Update on 2011 Goals on 1.11.11

Most people say that resolutions are a good way to spend the first week of January – then they all go by the wayside. 

I wanted to give you an update on them:

1.  40 Day Fast has totally gone away.  Not totally, but some have changed.  I don’t keep a many sweets in the house (not even cool whip).  I haven’t watched as much television, so that has freed up time for other things.  The only fruits and veggies has changed and expanded to Meatless365.  Up at 5 is good on most days.  Hard but good.  And computer off by 9 is also good on most days, but not every day. 

2.  Bible Reading Plan and memorizing Philippians are both going well.  Philippians is going better, but by the end of the week I’ll be back on track with Bible reading plan.  This is why getting up at 5am and turning off the computer by 9pm helps.

3.  I have been blogging regularly, maybe not strategically though.

4.  Reading a book a week: DONE.  I’m completing my second book this week!  Right on target!

5.  Increasing this, with an Etsy shop in the works.  And lining up things to photog.  It doesn’t help with it so cold outside though.

6.  3800 words in (not including Scriptures or quotes).  Must right 1800 a week.  Diligent.  This post helped me this morning think more about that. 

7.  So far, staying the same.  But my birthday and snow days do not help.

8.  This has gone well and I love it!

9.  I forgot my phone for the 5k so that didn’t help and I had horrible time with hills and mud and ice on the race course.  But, I am still on tap for the 10 miler and half later in the year.

10.  This is going well!  I love Philippians.  Accountability is good in this one!

11.  I have done more yoga, and I love it! 🙂

So, some are good.  Some aren’t.  But, goals none the less.

Panera Conversations

My second office.  Panera.  Specifically, usually, the Panera at Crabtree Valley Mall in Raleigh, NC. On occassion I’ll go somewhere else, but I’m starting to get to know the staff here and like my corner booth. I set up shop: Bible, journal, pen, food, unsweet tea, and laptop. 

I also like it because I can listen in on conversations from people who don’t know the gospel: and hopefully have conversations with people about the gospel. 

Today: point in case:

Two dads are sitting adjacent to my booth at a small otable, no drinks or food, just sitting there catching up.  White, middle-class.  Here is the conversation I’ve heard.

Apparently these dads have not gotten together in a while because they are catching them up on their kids’ lives.  One has a son who is in college, has broken too many rules, and he will not give him a loan for his son’s college dues.  His son runs cross country, has a physically intimate relationships with his girlfriend, and loves to show disrespect to his Dad.  HIs daughter has now graduated college and lives in NYC with two girls from NCSU, paying 900$ a month for her share of a 1 BR apt 4 blocks off Central Avenue in the city.  She knows the subway system and has a great job because of the connections she made during an internship she had recently.  “Its so exciting!”  The son doesn’t know or want to be independent because Mom will do the laundry and take care of him. 

The other Dad talks about his kids being in year round swimming clubs.  That was it. 

Don’t know the marital status of either of them, though I know one has been divorced.

Here is what I’ve discerned:

1.  The Dads have a relationship with their kids.  At least they know what is going on with them.  And the one has been speaking to him about training and sports and succeeding the past many years.

2.  The children seem to be somewhat successful.

3.  The Dads want their children to succeed. 

4.  I have not heard one single word about Christ or the gospel.  Do they know that there is no hope in this world without Christ?  And I don’t know, as a 34 year old single female, how to talk with 2 dads in their 50s about “hey, you need to know Jesus.”  I’m such a wimp.  Yes, a cop out – I wish I had a guy sitting across the table from me, hearing the same conversation, who could turn to them and talk about the gospel.  I wish I had two copies of ApParent Privilege with me to give to them to read. 

Nothing in this life is anything without Christ.

New Year’s Much & Link Love (January 3)

New Year’s Much & Link Love (January 3)

Happy New Year!  When do you get tired of hearing that?  I usually have to wait until after my birthday, which is tomorrow.  New Years and birthdays, both great.  I used to dislike having a birthday so close to Christmas (school was out so I never got to celebrate it in school), but now I love it, because not only am I starting a new calendar year, but also a new birth year. 

1.  I had one of the best new years ever!  A friend from seminary came over to Raleigh: we cooked dinner, hung out a cool place in Cary, went to the NCMA, and watched movies.  It was low-key and wonderful.

2.  I already went away from on of my 2011 goals.  I ran in a 5k on Saturday and unfortunately left my cell phone at home so I had no interval timer.  I finished this multi-terrain, ice/mud, hills, loops race about the same time I finished my first one.  So, I wasn’t happy.  But, I did it.  And I had friends cheering me on and running with me!

3.  This is going to be a tough week and a good week.  Tough week with many things going on a work and writing kicked into high gear.  Good week because I get to have dinner on Thursday night with some of the most amazing RDU friends a girl can have, both new and old, and I’ll be missing some too because of vacations and babies.  God is good, isn’t He!

4.  Day one of clean eating went very well yesterday!  I am thankful for oranges and sweet potatoes that I don’t have to buy because of family!  Everytime I have craved nut butter or even milk or egg whites today I thought that God is sufficient for my every need and He is gracious too.  I have included seeds in this clean eating: fruits and veggies only while at home.  Seeds because I eat hummus and tahini is in it – ground sesame seeds.  I’m already thinking post-40 days to see how my diet will be altered, and see how my food-relationships/sin issues have been changed.  Thank you God for the cross!

5.  Bring on the playoffs!  Excited.  We’ll see how long my teams last.

6.  January… here we go: I’m doing the list here rather a whole new post. 

6.1: Birthday celebrating

6.2: Working out and logging milesd

6.3: Stemmerman Inn for my birthday!  Thank you Mom!

6.4: Charlotte to prepare for an upcoming women’s conference I am speaking at in March. 

6.5: Photog!

6.6: Writing and reading.  Sound familiar?

Link Love

1.  One of the coolest things I’ve heard from country music in a while – great on the gender issue too.  Go Zac Brown!

2.  With clean eating for 40 days, I’m making this soup.

3.  For those of you memorizing Philippians, John Piper reciting it may spur you on!

4.  Do you already need help keeping those resolutions?  These apply to any you have made.

5.  One of the smartest guys I know, and do ministry with, gives his list of best reads of 2010.  And he read a lot more than this. 

6.  Some great sermons and talks about keeping resolutions

7.  After taking off most of 2010, John Piper returns and tells all what God taught him and Noel from their leave of absence.  Good stuff.

8.  Also, if you have never memorized long passages of Scripture, here are some quality sermons from Andy Davis and John Piper to help you out and to see the benefit of it. 

9.  If you still need help picking which Bible reading plan to do for 2011, go here.  Justin lays a lot of them out for you.  I am doing Elevate’s B90X from last year, just multiplying it times 3 with some breather days in there. 

10.  Her photos are inspiring.


Recipe coming soon!

Best of 2009

Best of 2009

These posts will serve two purposes:

1.  Catch you up on the first 5 years of the blogs

2.  Since switching to a new one, we couldn’t merge of all them, so I thought I would go back and highlight. 

Basic Pizza Dough – because a girl has to have a favorite homemade pizza dough

Fellowship So Deep – thoughts on worship and life

Spinach Lasagna – I’ve been making this since my junior year of college, and I love it.

Oreo Truffles – a favorite of party-goers everywhere

Oatmeal Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins – “these are addicting” – Linda D.

Thai Lentil Soup – love.

Chocoholic Cookies – what’s not to love?

Elyse Fitzpatrick – one of my favorite authors

A post about a football hero – yes, Danny Wuerffel

Love my former boss and his message to men

Need this every day (along with grace)

Dorie Greenspan’s Double Decker Brownies – you must make!

Kate Perry – some thoughts

David Platt’s Secret Church – one of the times I got to attend.  Amazing.

Some thoughts from other fave author: Jerry Bridges

Some thoughts from the 2009 NEXT Conference in Baltimore

Psalm 103

O Thou in Whose Presence

Plantinga on Gluttony – a word we don’t like to hear much

Homemade Cinnamon Raisin English Muffins

Mexibean Bake – healthy and yummy and easy!

Blackberry Cornmeal Muffins – so good during the summer when these berries are peak!

Paul Tripp – one of my fave authors was at Sojourn in Louisville.

Corn Pudding – great side dish for some bbq

Old Doorknobs – Love.

Left and Right of Modesty/Femininity

Spinach Casserole – another easy healthy favorite

Toffee Snickerdoodles – a winner.

My Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies – after you try so many, you finally gotta just land on one

Fall Baked Oatmeal – warm for breakfast!

Fall granola – love homemade granola

Time Magazine on Teen Body Image

Black Pepper Buttermilk Biscuits – yum…eee…

Anadama Bread 

My Favorite Fall Salad – perfect for an elegant holiday meal or an after-work quick dinner

Baked Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

Creamy Toffee Dip – whatcha going to do with all those apples you have

Seaside Grilled Cheese Sandwich – my second favorite grilled cheese sandwich – EVER.

Vegan Banana Spice Pancakes – so good

Jillian Michael’s Wrap-Up after the 30-day shred

A great book by my boss: Steve Wright

One of my favorite parenting books: Instructing a Child’s Heart

Candy Cane Fudge – my favorite Christmas candy to make