Truth About Men: Tracy Byrd

Truth About Men: Tracy Byrd

As most readers know, I love country music. But, I also try to think through country songs. Tracy Byrd’s new one (and friends): The Truth About Men made me think yesterday. Seeing the video (which I won’t post due to some material that I will not post on my blog) made me sad for the state of affairs among men in this world. Unfortunately, Christian men are NOT immune to these things. Not all of these things are sinful, but just read the lyrics (more thoughts later):

We don’t like to go out shoppin’,
We don’t care what’s on sale.
We just want to sit with a bag full of chips,
Watchin’ the NFL.
When you come over at half-time,
An’ say: “Does this dress fit too tight?”
We just look you in the eye with a big fat lie,
An say:”Uh, uh: Looks just right.”

Well, that’s the truth about men.
Yeah, that’s the truth about us.
We like to hunt and golf on our days off,
Scratch, an’ spit, an cuss.
It don’t matter what line we hand you,
When we come draggin’ in.
We ain’t wrong; we ain’t sorry,
An’ it’s probably gonna happen again

We hate watchin’ “Steel Magnolias”.
We like “Rambo” an’ “Die Hard 4”.
Jump up and down like fools when we see the new tools,
At the Home Depot store.
We don’t really wanna take you to dinner,
At some fancy restaurant.
The only reason we do is ’cause we know it leads to,
The one thing that we all want

Well, that’s the truth about men.
Yeah, that’s the truth about guys.
We’d rather play guitars and work on cars,
Than work on the problems in our lives.
An’ though we might say it to you,
Every now and then,
We ain’t wrong; we ain’t sorry,
An’ it’s probably gonna happen again.

Well, if you want to know what we’re all thinkin’,
It’s nothing too complex.
It’s just somethin’ cold for drinkin’,
And a whole lot of s-e……

Yes, that’s the truth about men.
Yeah, that’s the truth about us.
We like to hunt and golf an’ drive around, lost,
Scratch, an’ spit, an’ a whole lot of other disgustin’ stuff.
It don’t matter what line we hand you,
When we come a-crawlin’ in.
We ain’t wrong; we ain’t sorry,
An’ it’s probably gonna happen again.

We ain’t wrong; we ain’t sorry,
An’ it’s probably gonna happen;
Sure, it’s gonna happen;
You know it’s gonna happen again.
An’ that’s the truth about men.

You know it, son.

I want to give you a comparison:
John Piper’s definition of biblical manhood: (this does not involve not playing golf, or watching the NFL, or having sex with your wife):


And if you need better descriptions: 1 Tim 2, Titus 1, Eph 5 – those are better qualifications.
Ladies: how can we as women encourage Biblical leadership and character to the men in our lives? For more on this topic: read Gary Thomas’s Sacred Influence and Carolyn Mahaney’s Feminine Appeal.
I am very thankful for the men in my life who live differently than this model that Tracy Byrd sings about. They live with God as their focus, encouraging their wives, treating other women as sisters in Christ. Thank you for giving me good role models and standards.

CS Lewis and Charles Darwin in the Movies


I usually do not go watch movies in the theatres when they first come out. I will make it to our fabulous 1.50 theatre when they finally come there, or I will wait till the summer and see them outside at one of the 4 places in the Triangle that show them “on the green”. I just saw Blind Side and thought it was pretty good – maybe I’ll pen those thoughts at some point in the near future. This weekend I am watching Where the Wild Things Are for free on the green as well.
Anyway, there are two coming out later in 2010 that I may make an exception for. One I’ve been eagerly anticipating and one I just found out about today.

Overcoming Unbelief

For the past 2 weeks I’ve been battling this.  Battle – yes, this is a spiritual battle.  Satan is real in this world.  And in this world we will struggle with sin, deal with its effects, and battle Satan.

1 Peter 5.8: Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour

But, Christ has overcome the world, Praise Him!

John 16.33: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world!

I do two things in battling unbelief:

1.  Pray.  That is what Jesus tells us to do:  Mark 9.23-24: And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

2.  Quote Scripture.  This is why it is important to hide it.  I quote it, and repeat it to myself, and counsel others with the same verses that I am repeating.  God’s Word is true.  He is faithful when I am not.

I read this today by Spurgeon:

“What is this matter of capacity?  What capacity is wanted?  Capacity to believe?  I tell you, children have more of that than grown-up persons.  I am not now speaking of the spiritual part of faith, but as far as the mental faculty is concerned, there is any quantity of the capacity for faith in the heart of a child.  His believing faculty has not yet been overloaded by superstition, or perverted by falsehood, or maimed by wicked unbelief.  Only let the Holy Spirit consecrate the faculty, and there is enough of it for the production of abundant faith in God.” – (Come Ye Children, Spurgeon, pg 49)

1 John 5.4: For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

Resources other than Scripture:

Piper Sermons and Battling Unbelief

Monday Much & Link Love (July 12 edition)

I thought I would have this as a weekly post.  It allows me to be transparent and send you link love from friends/blogs I read.

1.  Saturday night was one of the most enjoyable of my 3.5 months in Raleigh.  Headed to the NCMA to watch the Blind Side on the big screen.  Free, football (movie), and friends.  Going back this Friday to watch Where the Wild Things Are.  Never saw it when it was all in blogosphere, so now I get to watch it for free!  And I love hearing people laugh, and learning what they laugh at!

2.  I miss the weekly and way Sojourn does communion. 

3.  I love the pastors at my church.  They are a true treasure to me.

4.  Can one ever eat too much Mexican food?  I don’t think so.

5.  I started a new blog: For the Love of North Carolina.  Check it out. 

6.  My brother is fishing on the Suwannee this week and my parents just started their 3 week cross country train trip.  I think Ty and I are the only 2 working. 

7.  UVA trip to write and photog and hike this week.  I really love UVA – the campus is gorgeous and there is so much history there.  I’m taking the backroads up there, so maybe I’ll get in some cool NC shots for the blog.

8.  I am losing a battle.  It is all about choices.  Today, I took the stairs, did jumping jacks, and will do two miles on a treadmill tonight when I get home from a long day.

9.  Michael Weatherly and Mark Harmon – who can’t just love those two!

10.  Knowing that no matter how many times a day people have babies, it is still a miracle of God and we can never take those births for granted.  Praying for some folks in Durham.

11.  Sometimes there is pain in the joy and joy in the pain.  But, I will rejoice. 

12.  Found out about pregnancies and engagements this week – God is good. 

Link Love

1.  I don’t know if I would wear this, but it makes me think of one of the greatest fiction men of all time.

2.  If you have girls who love pink (every girl should love pink), then this would be a fabulously decorated room.

3.  I am thankful for this guy’s sense of humor and the way he has really mentored me in some way since 2003.

4.  If you love the fiddle or the drums, watch this.  I personally liked the second one better.

5.  I admit, I do this.  Do  you?

6.  If you want to be a better writer, you must be a better reader.  This is why I do so much of it.  Justin Taylor recounts Doug Wilson.

7.  This is definitely one of my favorite summer cookies.  I love them.

Anne Quatrano's Jumbo Brownies

Anne Quatrano's Jumbo Brownies

Atlanta has many nice and tasty restaurants, and even though I can’t speak for this one personally – if this girl is the dessert person – then it can’t be anything but delicious!

I made these and gave them out (and ate one or two, and stuck the end pieces in my freezer).  First time I have gone to Caribou just for 2 shots of espresso.

I got 12-16 brownies out of a 9×13 pan (so these are big).  And rich.  And needs ice cream (or milk).

1 lb unsalted butter

20 oz semi-sweet chocolate (next time I would add in more dark)

1 cup flour

1 T baking powder

1 tsp salt

6 eggs

2 1/2 cups sugar

2 T vanilla

2 T espresso

6 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 heaping cup chopped walnuts

350, 9×13 pan lined with foil, sprayed with pam

Melt the butter and 20 oz of chocolate.  Whisk together dry ingredients.  Beat eggs and sugar for about 5 minutes until light in color and frothy in texture.  Add vanilla and espresso.  Mix in melted chocolate.  Fold in chips and nuts. 

Bake for about an hour.  Cut and serve.