Finding Lovely

Finding Lovely

Finding Lovely

To say its been a hard week over here, may just be an understatement.  But, in those moments, God still wants me to pursue him, pursue a grateful heart, cry out to him with everything I’m feeling (he’s not surprised by any of it).  He gives me Himself, He gives me friends that accept crazy texts in the middle of the day, who pray for me.  He also gives me lots of lovelies that I find here.

This is the post each week where I get to share these lovelies with you.  Enjoy.

This soup looks crazy good.  I’m definitely making it next week.

I showed these to my husband.  I’d love all these pretty things to organize my home office.  Which currently is my dining room table and a desk positioned in a beautiful bay window.

I love this momma and these chocolate cookies.

Podcasts are amazing.  I’ve been listening to these this week: DC preaching, real life momma and ministry, and raising boys.

And since i’m not really traveling any time soon, I thought I would post about a little place I would love to go – especially in the fall or winter when I could snuggle by the fire.

What are some lovelies that you have found this week?


Coffee with: Cathy of Cathy Nugent Weddings

Coffee with: Cathy of Cathy Nugent Weddings


I really love Southern friends.  I mean, just hearing yall, a sweet laughter, and an hospitable chat over a cup of coffee, can definitely set a new friendship, a fun morning, and a commonality in all things southern and creative.

Atlanta has been blessed with a young girl from Texas who loves all things wedding.  i met Cathy in our Pursuit ATL group, and we’ve already had coffee.  So, I wanted to introduce yall to her.  Whether you are planning a wedding, or just love to hear a creative chat about what she loves, including her husband, her dog, and mochas – then keep reading.  If you are planning on getting married soon in the ATL metro, or know someone who is, she’s your girl!

1. Tell us about your story? Who are you?

So, my name is Cathy Nugent! Before you ask if I am related to Ted, I think my husband is somewhere in there but I have yet to meet him! I am a 23 year old living the life of owning her own creative business after taking a leap of faith, and let me tell you: it is my dream job! I am a wedding planner, coordinator, and designer who loves to blog. I also like to dabble in calligraphy on the side as well as be a regular attender at weekly craft nights with my bible study girls, so I guess you could call me the jack of all trades. I am married to a cowboy, and we have a chocolate lab fur baby together named Beaux. I have lived all over the country growing up, but I am currently planting my roots here in Atlanta after moving here in June with my husband. We moved from College Station, Texas where we actually met while we attended Texas A&M University. (Whoop! Go Aggies!) Anyone who knows me knows that I have a high key obsession with Fixer Upper, and I pride myself on having Joanna Gaines as my spirit animal. My husband and I dream of one day buying our own fixer upper here in Georgia!

2. How did you come to love weddings so much that you wanted it to be your full time job?

To be honest, I fell in love with weddings when I met my husband. It was one of those things where we knew right away that God had brought us together. I became one of those girls who had a secret wedding Pinterest board! How my business started was actually opposite how many other people in the industry got their start. After I got engaged, I actually had a wedding blog where I would write about wedding stuff and my own wedding planning. My husband and I were long distance a lot of our engagement and my family was so spread out that it was hard to have everyone so involved. I’m known as the crafty one among my friends, and I have always loved to write, so I used my blog as the opportunity to share with the world what I was up to (with never failing to add in a whole lot of sass). Before I knew it I had a following, and my office hours as a TA turned into wedding planning sessions. I realized how much I was helping people and how much people listened to what I had to say. (and better yet, how much I loved it!) After a lot of prayer I took a leap of faith in starting a business out of my blog and skills, and I have never turned back since!

3.  How does your faith inspire your work?

I am a firm believer that my work would be nothing without my faith. Period. I have yet to wake up to face a day without praying for God to lead me to the people who need me. With that being said, I feel like God’s love is what I strive to be seen through my work because, after all, “We love because He first loved us.” My dream is for everyone who comes into contact with my work – whether bride and groom or just a wedding guest – to be overwhelmed with the feeling of God’s love.

4.  What is your favorite part of wedding planning?

My favorite part of the wedding planning is seeing the excitement of the bride and groom after they’ve just gotten married. I am a firm believer that everyone deserves to have their best-day-ever on their wedding day, and being able to help bring a couple’s dream wedding day to life is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. It makes my heart so full to know that they will remember nothing but how amazing their day truly was – because they got married! All of the stress I may have faced getting everything perfect melts away when I see the smiles on their faces. It’s one of my favorite things in the whole world.

5.  Since you are in the wedding business – about love, what is your favorite part about your own wedding and what do you love most about your mister?

I think my favorite part of my own wedding day was our wedding ceremony. Although it rained on and off all day and the ceremony was forced to be moved inside, it was even more perfect than I originally had planned it to be. It was a lot more cozy, and the room was overflowing with just so much love. (To the point my non-emotional husband actually choked up reading his vows!)
Although he’s not the emotional type, I am definitely way too emotional so it evens it out! I think what I love the most about my husband is how from day 1, he has lead our relationship like God has called the husband to do. And most importantly, he makes me want to be a better wife as he is constantly leading me closer to Jesus. He loves me well and has been a true protector and provider over me.
6. How does the creative community work together in this industry?
The creative community that I have found in Atlanta is absolutely amazing. I feel so blessed each and every day for the support of those in the industry running the same race that I am. Through vendor communities such as the Rising Tide Society as well as Pursuit, there is really a sense of community over competition and helping each other out. Together there is an amazing support system, problem solving help, and a close knit of referrals to help out each other’s businesses. Plus, I get to have coffee with amazing people like you on the regular, so it makes me enjoy what I do even more!
7. What’s your fave coffee shop and what would you drink?
Kimberly, you know how much I love coffee. There’s just something about the amazing conversations that can happen over a good cup of coffee. Since I am new to Atlanta, I am still searching out them all. I am a sucker for trying new coffee shops! So far I have fallen in love with Octane in West Midtown and Cool Beans Coffee Roasters in Marietta Square. Don’t tell my husband because we are suppose to be on a diet, but I can’t help but order a Mocha!
We’ve already talked about our mutual love of Cafe Intermezzo – so maybe a late night work session.  Can’t wait to hear her co-teach a meet-up next week on blogging – definitely one of my loves that often gets put to the back burner.
What I’m Learning About Forgiveness

What I’m Learning About Forgiveness


Don’t we all think we are pretty good at forgiveness – or is that just me?

I am learning I stink at it – truly.

Most of the time.

The Bible says that “While we were still in our sin (we hadn’t said I’m sorry, will you forgive me), Christ died for us.”

Here’s what has been in my head, the Spirit has been working in my heart, and I’m still not there yet.  All I can ask of the Lord is that He would continue to work forgiveness in me.

I’m really good at forgiveness when someone asks me to forgive them.  I’m all about it.  No matter the sin.  Because, I’ve been forgiven much so I need to forgive.  Christ has done so much to forgive me, I have no right to leave the door shut to others.

Oh, but wait…what happens if others don’t ask forgiveness.  What happens if someone has said something that has hurt me to the core, and they won’t ask forgiveness because they don’t know they’ve hurt me.  What happens if someone has hurt me, and they don’t think that it should have hurt, so they don’t need to ask forgiveness.  What happens if someone hurts my husband, therefore hurting me, but has yet to ask forgiveness?

Will I mend bridges?  Will I sulk?  Will I forgive them no matter the personal cost to myself?  Will I truly believe and act in a way that communicates gospel reconciliation, even when it hurts me so much.

That is what I’m working on folks.  That is what the Spirit shows me all the time.  I want a heart that pleases Him, not one that holds on to bitterness and grudges.

Finding Lovely

Finding Lovely

I can honestly tell you this week has been an emotional roller coaster for me.  Our schedules have been crazy.  We had a 4th bday party at our house on Monday – that was super fun hanging out with littles and eating cake and playing with dinosaurs.

When life isn’t as beautiful (in some ways) as you would like them to be, how do you find the lovely?  I am reading Looking for Lovely by Annie Downs and loving just the simple ways that she finds joy in life – in the little and the big things: like the Ryman and sushi and working out.

I’ve been working through Colors with This Humble Hive with the boys – love the different activities.  Even though we probably have two color blind boys – the activities are fun and we are engaging with them in their learning.

Now that Fall is here, and I’m not weird for cooking with pumpkin and apples, even though the temperature is still kinda warm here in Atlanta, I can now salivate over every beautiful thing on this page.

Lots of new books are coming my way right now, but the ones I’m looking forward to digging into are Love, Henri (I read much of Henri Nouwen in college at Flagler College) and Falling Free that was recommended by a friend of mine.

I’ve discovered the place that I could live forever (if my mister was with me) (until I went to Heaven)…it has beautiful beaches, not as touristy as some other places, gorgeous skies and trails and oaks and spanish moss.  Beautiful bridges, lighthouses, coffee shops, memories, and I can’t wait to go back any time I can.  Where would you live forever if you could live in one place?


Finding Lovely

Finding Lovely


Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone.  My weekend is pretty typical – although my older is out of school and my husband gets off at 6 instead of 8.  Don’t know what we are going to do tomorrow to have some fun, but will think of something.

Last night we went to Athens on a double date (we rarely have double dates) and enjoyed eating good Southern food here and walking around UGA’s campus and playing In a Pickle.  I won – not that I’m competitive or anything.

Everyone has to have a good reason to make this sauce and these muffins.

And this is when Oreos just got better.

I think I may eat this every day.

Go listen to this podcast

I have an old gold frame like this one and want to do this.

He is easily one of my favorite artists – and we sang one of his songs in church today.  Loved hearing him live in Little Rock a few years ago.


Coffee with Kelsey of Kelsey Butcher Photography

Coffee with Kelsey of Kelsey Butcher Photography

Kelsey Butcher

Atlanta metro is such a fabulous area for meeting other creatives and supporting each other in our craft.  And there are plenty of playgrounds around so even though we do have young ones, we can still hang out and our kids can play.

Allow me to introduce you to another photography creative, Kelsey.

Who are you and What do you love?

I’m Kelsey of Kelsey Butcher Photography.  I am constantly inspired by and love Jesus, florals and tulle, period drames, books, visually pleasing things and Asian cuisine.

Kelsey Butcher Photography

Tell my readers a little of your photography story, please.

During my Senior year of high school, we were required to compete a senior project.  I wanted to do something artistic, but something I’d enver done before.  As any high school senior, I also wanted something that wouldn’t be too much work since I knew there was a research paper, along with several other tedious tasks that the project required of me.

I chose photography because I’ve always been a a hands on/visual type of learner, so I figured what better thing to choose than photography, which is the embodiment of that and because I had always found imagery compelling to me personally.  I got an A on that project (woohoo!) and I just unexpectedly found a hidden passion for photography through the whole process.  And since then, I’ve not looked back.  I started my photography journey in September of 2010.

Because I’m a visual person, I have always enjoyed most art forms, painting/drawing, dancing, music, etc.  I play violin and I also draw (mostly for fun), so I have always been artistic in more ways than one.  I would say, when I was just starting my photography journey, I was inspired by my sweet friend and fellow photographer Kayla Johnson.  Her testimony is incredible and moving and I’ve always felt that her photos reflected that in a beautiful way.  She inspired me to keep on growing and how to show people the love of Christ with this creative outlet.

I love how photography can represent emotions, how images can evoke and endless variety of feelings from person to person.  And it can freeze that moment in time visually so it can be relived, whether its captured with an iphone or a DSLR.  These moments like a couple’s wedding, birth of a baby, and anniversaries can all be remembered through photographs.

We can relive the past, even as those moments come and go in a single breath.  I love that so many people could see the same setting or image and all have different perspectives and feelings about it.  Just a perfect picture of how unique our Creator made us.

Kelsey Butcher Photography

What do you love about the metro area?

Visually, everything is so stimulating, from the nature of North Georgia to the metropolis of actual Atlanta. I love the geometry and clean aesthetic of the city buildings, with all of the reflective surfaces and green space combined. It’s a great place to feel inspired when it comes to shooting bloggers’ street style and just going to feel inspired from places like Crate and Barrel, and other stores that have that light and clean feel I like that inspires my photography.

I love further north and all the suburbs for more greenery like woods and downtown areas that inspire my more whimsical inspiration. In every direction, being the visual person I am, there is just endless potential that constantly inspires me. I’ve traveled to several places within the US and outside of the country, but where I really want to go is the Pacific Northwest like Oregon/Washington, as well as California, because the aesthetic there, just from what I’ve seen online is just a completely different vibe than here on the East Coast.

Outside of the US, I would love to go to Europe because of the history that translates into every part of each country there. Plus, who doesn’t love want to try authentic European food? I see photographers like Ben Sasso and Jordan Voth, as well as some others I keep up with, who live over there, and their work inspires me to someday shoot on the West Coast.

If we were hanging out over coffee, etc – what would you get?  Where would you go?

I’m so not a coffee snob, and I don’t even care about such things as pour overs. Neither do I care for alcohol because honestly, my body doesn’t tolerate it well, so I pretty much never venture into all of that anyways. I like my Starbucks, so we could always go there where I would proceed to either get a White Chocolate Mocha (espresso) if it’s cold outside, or I would get a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher if it’s hot. I also love their “Pink Drink”, the Strawberry Acai drink with coconut milk. If I’m feeling like I still want coffee, but it’s hot outside, I sometimes get a Frappuccino of some sort. If we went to a more independent coffeehouse/place, I’d choose either Copper Coin Coffee or Chrome Yellow Trading Co for either a White Chocolate Mocha or an iced version, depending on weather. Like I said, I’m not a coffee snob or social drinker, so it helps to not make me that picky, really.

Summer has been great, but what are you looking forward to about Fall?

I’m super excited about the weather and leaves changing colors which so evidently display God’s Creation, all of Fall attire I’m going to get to wear, and all of the exciting sessions and projects that are coming up! I physically feel my business growing, and I love that. Never stagnant, and never boring! I honestly hate summer, but I would have to say the ONLY good thing about it was watching my daughter play outside and going to the pool with her and my husband.

How do you balance a life of a photographer, a mom, and a wife?

I read a book the other day called, “Bebe Day By Day: 100 Keys to French Parenting” by Pamela Druckerman. It’s pretty self explanatory, but in the book, it guidelines basically what French parents do to get their kids to behave so well and be wholesome people. As I read through it, I realized that I’ve been doing almost everything this book says without even realizing it was the way French people parented. I don’t do everything exactly down to the letter, of course, because they totally acknowledge that kids are all unique and different, so this “method”, if you will, applies to each differently. But, for the most part, I’m pretty proud of that accomplishment, as a mom. My daughter has been sleeping through the night since she was 2.5 months old, she has a healthy appetite and diet, and she doesn’t have to be entertained every second of the day.
Honestly, the hardest thing about having my daughter has been her hard-headedness/stubbornness, running after her, having patience with her sometimes (it’s me, not really her), and trying to edit with a toddler (imagine a tiny person trying to climb on you or underneath your chair while you try to tediously edit someone’s skin lol). But I wouldn’t trade it for anything, truly.
As a wife, I think that I’ve been truly blessed with a husband who is 100% supportive of what I do. He never complains about me doing a shoot or staying up into the wee hours of the night to edit sessions. Sometimes, I think it’s easy to feel guilty or resentful for not giving my full attention to him (or my daughter) when I’m in my photographer zone, but I know that he knows that I love what I’m doing, and he will always communicate to me if he needs my full attention. Otherwise, he is good about finding that time to do something he enjoys or plays with our daughter to keep her out of my way while I edit.
In that same book I mentioned above, Druckerman wrote that French people fully believe that women are totally capable to have careers and take care of themselves and still be a wonderful mother. There’s no guilt-trip like here in American culture where people think that you’re a bad mom if you work or are no longer driven toward your dreams if you choose to be a stay-at-home mother. They believe you can have both and it was a light bulb moment for me, that I shouldn’t be feeling any guilt for trying to balance this photographer work life right alongside my home life. I don’t care about “having it all” or anything. I am lucky to be able to work from home and not miss the moments I want to be here for in my daughter’s life. But when I go to shoot a wedding all day or something, I don’t feel guilty for being my own self away from my family. Another mommy friend I have who is a photographer/blogger and SAHM I got to shoot for the other day agreed that one of the hardest things about motherhood was trying to find that balance and not letting her daughter, who she said she’s made her whole world since having her (which is something that is beautiful!), overshadow her own needs and her marriage. She felt guilty when she would ask her husband to take the reigns in caring for their daughter whenever he’d get home from work, so much so that she burned herself out FAST. I 100% agree because I know exactly how that feels, as I’m sure many other moms out there can relate to. While it’s a balancing act in itself, and it’s HARD WORK to do it all in some capacity, I think that there’s no room or necessity for guilt in my life in this regard. I compartmentalize, I minimize, I do my best to stay pretty organized, and I feel like that has helped me balance it all, along with some fervent prayer! I don’t worry if some areas bleed over into others because it makes me who I am, in every role I assume.