Whole Food Month – Day 4

Today was all meals out. Wow – that is hard. Well, I think I did fairly well in sticking to whole food eating – even when eating out. It is possible.

Breakfast – banana with pb, whole grain bagel with pb at Panera. I brought my own TJ pb which I love. (But I left it in fridge at work so now I gotta figure out breakfast in the morning). I went back and forth between yogurt parfait and bagel. I chose the bagel bc even though both were processed: the bagel had less sugar, more protein and fiber, less fat, and about the same amount of calories.

Snack during staff meeting: bowl of fruit (loved it – more please)

Lunch: Japan Express. I had hibatchi vegetables and brown rice. I loved it – ate 2/3 of the rice throughout the afternoon and all the veggies. No white sauce (which is yummy by the way). What I found out about this was that it didn’t fill me up. I was so hungry!

Snack: peanuts and craisins. I am finding these to be the perfect afternoon snack – but no more.

Dinner: 5 piece of sushi at Champas, green salad with ginger dressing, and 3 bites of chicken pad thai (had to try it, and it was very yummy). Still think Chai’s and Simply Thai is better – but good none the less.

All the water and unsweet tea (for breakfast) I could drink. 2.4 miles today. So, I think I did pretty well but tomorrow will be easier as only 1 meal will be out and Thursday (as of now) no meals are out!

Whole Month – Day 3

Today was better. Having these “restrictions” on me for the month of May – actually by choice, so it is all about self-discipline…
1. I love cashews on salads!
2. I good snack is a pinch of raw oats. Very filling and low calories.
3. I’ve already seen a drop on the scale since starting this. Very encouraging!

Breakfast: oats with banana, pb, flax, and agave nectar. This kept me full until 12 – so I was happy with that.

Lunch: romaine with tomato, onion, cashews. No dressing. FF Vanilla yogurt with pear.

Snack: peanuts and craisins

Dinner: Oats with PB, pear, agave, flax.

Snack: carrots with mustard.

I went down to the staff kitchen around lunch time and they had spaghetti and salad and garlic bread. I passed that up. Last week I would have kept my lunch in the bag and grabbed what they were having. Thanks Whole Month Challenge.
The only thing I am really craving is pretzels or crackers – something crunchy. Any suggestions?

Whole Month Eating – Day 2

Day 2 has come, happened, and is almost gone (I’m going to bed early). Today was better than yesterday because I was able to eat my meals at home and skip (or alter) the meals i ate out. Here we go:

1. This will definitely help me make choices this month – although I don’t think it is sustainable for me. Tonight – I passed up on Subway whole wheat 6 inch sandwiches (just eating the lettuce and 1 triangle of cheese). These were healthy – just processed. So…while I think it is good for 31 days – I think I’ll be back to normal whole grain eating with limited processed foods.
2. I was hungry today. Gotta eat some more protein for lunch.

Breakfast: oats with milk and water (I will be drinking/eating most dairy during this month because I need the nutrients). TJ unsalted crunch pb (only peanuts), ground flax seeds, banana

Church: passed on hot chocolate and Daylight Doughnuts (I would have had both if this has been 3 days ago).

Lunch: romaine with carrots, celery, tom, onion, cashews, and mustard. I really wanted something salty (like pretzels), but the cashews and mustard did the trick! I also had a few pieces of mango with 1 T of cool whip free (I know, not whole, but I don’t want it to go to waste)

Graduation Party I went to: 1 cube colby cheese, grapes, canteloupe, plain almonds (no petit fors, or crackers, or punch)

Dinner: lettuce and cheese (from Subway sandwich), nuts and craisins from trail mix, oats/pb/apple.

Tons of water today. It was hot. Jillian and then bed. I’m very tired today. May have been the lack of sleep catching up to me from friday night or the heat or being around people from 745-515 – but I’m ready for bed!

Whole Month Day 1

Alright – here we go. Sorry for people whom this might bore, but this is a good way for me to talk about whole eating and how I’m doing on this challenge for the month of May. Here we go:
1. Knowing I am doing this challenge (and trying the cash envelope system for my food budget) made me shop differently in the grocery stores today. I didn’t pick up snacks which would be different if I weren’t doing this challenge.

Here we go:
Breakfast – at Flying Biscuit Cafe in Cameron Village (Raleigh) – shared a meal with Rachael. Biscuit with their homemade cranberry butter. 1/2 piece of french toast with vanilla creme anglaise and raspberry sauce. 1 egg, 1 piece of their chicken sausage, 3/4 piece bacon, 1/2 bowl of their homemade creamy grits.

Shopped at Fresh Market: rainbow chard for some soup and asparagus bc it was on sale

Lunch – at Watts Grocery in Durham – small bowl of local granola, local yogurt with fresh fruit. Housemade english muffin with blueberry preserves.

Shopped at TJ, Whole Foods, and Target: bananas, apples, green lentils.

Snacked on 1/4 cup trail mix (goldfish, life cereal, craisins, peanuts, m&ms) – I was making them for our teacher training tomorrow at church.

Dinner: 1 red potato and 1/2 small onion – roasted with evoo and s/p. 1/2 beefsteak tomato with some sea salt. Looking forward to that dinner.

That will be it! So, halfway decent – but better than I’ve done the whole month – especially with sharing the meal at Flying Biscuit. Gotta do it again tomorrow.