31Days (Day 3): Frumpy Motherhood

31Days (Day 3): Frumpy Motherhood

no frumpy allowed

“Frumpy is not a fashion statement…” – Jodi Bryson, MomLogic

Note: This blog does not apply in the same way to every woman. Maybe, if you are married, as what your husband likes and doesn’t like you to wear – and try to please him in that simple way. If you are running around with toddlers all day, you won’t wear dresses. I get that. Feminine is of course more than outward appearance, that is why I put the 1 Peter verse.
In more than one way has my husband had a positive impact on my life. As we come up on our two year anniversary (more on that next week), I’ve seen some changes in me because of him. One of them is: I don’t wear t-shirts anymore. Yes, ok – I’ve still got some and I’d like to pair that down’ to 8 – only to wear them to work out in when he isn’t around. He doesn’t usually say much about what I can and can’t wear. His only stipulations is that it is modest and not a t-shirt (you know the kind you get for a youth outing, camp staff, church bowling leagues, or running 5k races). He declares them to be mostly unfeminine (on me) and looking better on guys than not. The only reason I keep them around is for cleaning the house (hard scrubbing days) and working out – when he is not around. I can’t seem to pull myself or our budget to buy Lululemon workout wear (though I would love to have some).

As I near the end of my second pregnancy in as many years, I look so forward to getting out of maternity clothes and getting to wear the clothes that normally hang in my closet. Most of my maternity clothes have been given to me, which has been very gracious – but only a handful of them do I love and that included 2-3 things that I’ve actually bought. I don’t foresee some of my frumpy wear coming back into my wardrobe anytime soon (unless its the occasional hoodie just around the house).

I was talking with a friend yesterday and she asked me what some favorites are in my closet since I don’t tend to go trendy – I said classics. Like Ann Taylor A-line skirts that you can “Trend up” with a different shirt, shoes, and accessories (which I love). Or just a simple pair of jeans that you can also wear with new flats, booties, or a long cardigan and/or eternity scarf and it would be perfect for this fall. I look forward to when my feet get back to normal size so I can wear my black booties that I bought the year the Mister and I met. I look forward to being able to wear my fave jewelry set: my wedding rings.

I’m definitely not saying you have to break the bank for new clothes every season or dress to the hilt to take care of toddlers. But…

“Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear – but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.” – 1 Peter 3:3-4

That doesn’t mean you have to forgo style and fashion all together. Not as a woman, a wife, or a mom.

Here are some blogs I read for style:
Lauren Elizabeth

With each of these, I take what I see, make it my own (and modest), and go from there. And we don’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes, so I love good sales. Believe me, most of your husbands would like to see their wives with their hair done, makeup on, and clothes other than moomoos and yoga pants (which are two staples for me around the house when pregnant). Bring on the non-maternity clothes!


Creatives: Jayme of Holly and Flora (Garden, Beauties, Recipe)

Creatives: Jayme of Holly and Flora (Garden, Beauties, Recipe)

I love sweet friends.  This girl has been a friend since high school – our cheerleading days – and we got reconnected on FB (that is the blessing of Facebook), then when I went to Denver a few years back we got to hang out and take some beautiful photos, now she is loving her garden and seeing all the beautiful things she can create from it.

What I learned this week about being Creative: I’m not a gardener.  It takes a lot of time.  There are many other interests in my life that take up that time.  But, I can and do enjoy goodies from other people’s gardens.  I talked with Jayme last week and she agreed to come up with a new recipe, show us some of her garden, answer some questions – and hopefully inspire you to live a fresh, local life!  Another way I love this story – is because it started when J was growing up.  Moms/Dads – you have a huge influence on your children in many way.  Don’t neglect the non-spiritual ways you influence your children!

Holly and Flora

1.  How did you begin your creatives lifestyle?
Growing up, every Tuesday night, my mom would conduct “Home Together Nights.”  We would select recipes to reproduce, as a family, and we would laugh, create, and bond together.  My sister and I still make recipes from those memorable evenings, and we are much more adventurous and creative in the kitchen, and in other areas, as a result.  A creative upbringing definitely made it easier to embrace a similar lifestyle as an adult, but having a garden, working within the hospitality and restaurant industries, training as a sommelier, and traveling to different parts of the world have greatly shaped the way that I view my place in the world, as well.
2.  What drives you to continue (especially in a time of convenience)?
As I answer this question, I am up late, tending some stock.  It would be so easy to simply throw away the day’s carrot greens, chicken bones, and onion skins and conveniently purchase stock at the grocery for my next batch of soup.  However, I feel a strong sense of responsibility with the bounty we have been given and the talents we possess; I feel a deep pull to squeeze every gift to the very last drop, reuse it, repurpose it, and share it.  It is intensely rewarding.  Almost always, I save money by doing and making things, myself, and the more adept I become, the more beneficial and far-reaching my deeds become.  I take immense pride knowing that I am capable and knowledgeable to provide for myself and my family.  Creativity applies not only to the artistic realm, but it also applies to the practical realm.
3.  What is the thing you’ve learned most about yourself in this creative journey?
The mess-ups and mistakes are usually the most memorable, educational, and exciting.  I do not always operate on this precept, but I really try to learn from my perceived mishaps.  For example, I try to sketch or write about something I am creating each day.  A lot of times, those messy sketches or scribbled words become foundations for a future project.  If I were to discard them because of their imperfections, I would limit my creative potential.  I tend to be very good at limiting myself and comparing myself and my progress to others.  That aspect of my personality is challenging.  I am trying to let go, unleash what holds me back, and get my blank canvas absolutely messy, both literally and figuratively.
4.  What is your favorite recipe?
My favorite recipe to make is zucchini cake.  You can find my recipe here (link:  http://hollyandflora.com/2012/08/26/theres-no-such-thing-as-too-much-zucchini/).  However, this gardening season, I have had an abundance of eggplant, herbs, and tomatoes, which prompted me to create this recipe for my version of an eggplant tapenade/caponata.  Being in the midst of a kitchen remodel, I have not had access to a stove, dishwasher, proper storage options, or even a sink, which is why I have had to create new recipes, using either a grill or crockpot.
5.  What has been your greatest joy in this creatives process?
I am very much inspired by my garden.  I feel that it feeds almost every area of my life right now.  I am inspired by its color, its movement, its inconsistencies, its demands, its continual state of flux.  I find inspiration from its parallels to our daily lives.  So many of life’s lessons can be likened to a garden.  The seasonal change of a garden mirrors the growth of an individual, but gardening is not just about an individual effort.  I have found deep satisfaction involving myself with the gardening community here in Denver.
Grilled Eggplant “Caponade”
  Eggplants from the Garden
20 small fairytale eggplants, halved, stems removed (or substitute 2 medium regular eggplants, quartered)
8 medium to large heirloom tomatoes, quartered
1 head of garlic
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
juice of one lemon
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 bunch green onions, finely chopped, whites and greens together
1/2 cup olives, chopped (mostly Kalamatas, with some mixed green olives)
1/8 cup capers
1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley
1/8 cup freshly chopped basil
1 tablespoon freshly chopped thyme
salt and pepper, to taste
dried chili flakes, to taste
1. In a deep saucepan, simmer the tomatoes in 1/2 cup olive oil, over low to medium heat, for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until most of the liquid is gone, and it starts to thicken.  The longer you can draw this process out, the better and more concentrated the taste will be.
2. In another pan, add the peeled and separated garlic cloves to 1/4 cup olive oil.  Simmer over low heat for about 20-25 minutes, or until lightly browned and caramelized.  Remove from heat, set aside to cool, and then chop coarsely.  Do not discard the oil!
3. Pre-heat the grill on high heat, and then turn down to low heat.  Brush the eggplant slices with olive oil and lightly salt.  Grill the fairytale eggplants for two minutes on each side.  If you are using regular eggplants, grill four to five minutes on each side.  Remove from the grill, set aside to cool, and then dice into 1/4 inch pieces.
Grilling Eggplants
4. Once each component has cooled, mix the tomatoes, garlic, and eggplant in a large bowl.  Add the last quarter cup of olive oil, as well as the oil that you reserved from simmering the garlic.
5. Add the lemon juice, vinegar, onions, olives, capers, and herbs to the mixture.  Stir to integrate.
6. Season with salt, pepper, and chili flakes to taste (I used about 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, and 1/2 teaspoon of chili flakes).
This recipe tastes great the first day, but even better the next, so feel free to prepare in advance.  This recipe yields about four cups and keeps, refrigerated, for a week.  Serve with crostini or grilled bread.  What are some other uses for this recipe?  Serve alongside hummus or crumble in feta or serve on top of baked or grilled salmon and pork tenderloin.
Grilled Eggplant Tapenade
Be on the lookout for spice rubs, spice blends, and notecards all inspired by Jayme’s garden!  And Be Creative!
Eggplants for Everyone

W&BT: Name Above All Names

A new month and a new feature on kd316.  As I’ve lived in many places there are many women whom I would love to have the ability to sit down in my living room and study this book together (or any other).  But, that can’t happen.  So, that’s why we have technology right?

Women from all over are going to join up and study Crossway Book’s new release (June 2013) of Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson’s readable, applicable book on Jesus: Name Above All Names.  This has been an outstanding book in my opinion and I’ve been enjoying getting to know Jesus better, getting to know the authors better, and getting to know myself better (as you inevitably will when you study Jesus).

So, join us.  We will be starting on July 15 and the comments will be how we dialogue.  If you don’t necessarily want to comment via the comment section, you can always use facebook or email to dialogue.  But, I’d love to hear your thoughts (whether you are here in Little Rock or halfway around the world).  You have plenty of time to order your book.  The chapters are not long and they are very readable even for the average woman who has never been to seminary or anything. Jump on in!  Everyone needs to learn more about Jesus!

I’ll post the study from each chapter each Monday, starting with chapter 1 on July 15 (so if you have time, please go ahead and read it).

Struggles of Life’s Calling: Part 3

I really think this will be the last one of this series (some of you might be glad).  I hope this series has been helpful.

Let me clarify a few things that were pointed out to me by talking with my husband and then turn our eyes to the point of this part 3.

We are all created differently and uniquely.  We all have different gifts, talents, and callings.  We all should use those to God’s glory.  I know many women who have only longed to be a wife and a mother from the time they could hold a baby doll.  Some of them are dear friends and struggle with a period of singleness because they just want to fulfill these desires.  If that is you – praise God.  I pray that He either has given you your heart’s desire or will fulfill it soon.

I know some other women who may have gotten married later (or right out of high school/college) who have other plans and desires other than to be a wife and a mother.  But, along the way, that woman gets married and its the best thing that has happened to her.  Then she must figure out a way to make that calling (a wife and maybe a mom one day) a priority in her life without hopefully dying to everything else.  I fit into that category.

Since we all fit somewhere in either of those categories – I trust that we can all believe the best from each other and not try to force the other life on every woman.  Encourage them women in your life to live every minute of their days to God’s glory – not their own.  It will look different for each woman.

Here is the main point of this post: when I struggle – how do I find hope in the gospel?  My husband and I have many conversations about how Christ is found at the center of the Word – so how is Christ found at the center of my life and my struggles.  I am very thankful for the psalmists.  These psalms were read aloud to the people of God as part of their worship services.  They weren’t just read to one person.  I’m so glad the God-breathed book tells us of the struggles that even “a man after God’s own heart” faced at times.  What did he do?  He wrote those down as God commanded him to.  He let his struggles be known.  He wasn’t looking for validation for those strggules or wanting to be told that he was ok in those struggles.  He may have just wanted a listening ear or someone to say “I’ve been there too”.  But, then at the end of it, maybe even days later when the psalmist was able to hear it and receive it – say God is here.  He is bigger.  The psalmists weren’t perfect – just like we aren’t perfect.  I believe that we can share life with others and share our struggles and hopefully in doing so come back to the gospel.

It is hard to hear from “perfect” people. You don’t think you have anything in common.  But, those people that say, “I have a hard time submitting, or I want something more out of this life, or raising my kids is tough at times” – then turn it back to say God is good in it and He will be there every minute to sustain you – those are the people I want to hear from.  God doesn’t require perfection from us – because He knew we could never fulfill it.  That is why He sent Jesus.

Jesus even struggled with the cross.  He said take this cup from me – but not my will but yours.  Obedience came even from great struggle and distress.  He was a perfect High Priest who is able to understand our struggles and empathize with us.  He endured.

So can we.  Endure well – even in the struggles.  Don’t be afraid to share those struggles – and to point people to the hope of the Gospel.

Multi-Generational Women’s Ministry

Take a look around your church next time you are there?  What do you see?  Hopefully, if you are in a typical (and healthy church IMHO) you will see women of all ages: you’ll see women with blond hair that includes a pink streak.  You’ll see women who are tired and weary from life walking with a cane but with a big smile on their faces from years of traveling with joy with The Lord.  You’ll see women who are tired from being up all night wondering if their teenage son or daughter is going to make it in by curfew.  You’ll see some with spit up on their shirts because of the babies they are caring for.  Women in our churches come from every walk of life and are from every generation.

I’m writing this post from the voice of a women’s ministries director or someone thinking in terms of conferences for a whole church of women.  If I were writing this from a personal note as an individual then I would say bring it (and I so want to go) – because it would be a blast of a girl’s weekend with some of my best buddies.  But, as far as the church ministry goes – older women in the church are vital for ministry and mentoring!

There have been many women’s conferences I’ve attended over the years, some I’ve spoken at.  One of the needed concepts in planning these conferences is planning for something that appeal to all women.  One aspect that I appreciate about the TGC Women’s Conference that happened in 2012 (and will happen again in 2014) is the wide range of ages who attended.  I loved snapping photos of moms rocking their babies to sleep and gray-haired ladies taking notes in a worn Bible.

What about this trend of appealing to only a set age-range?  Is there value in that? YES!  But, is it IDEAL – No.

Value: Some of these women are going to be going through the same things as you are.  Most of them will be instagramming and tweeting and have a ton of hair products and wear the latest style – and really cool bags and shoes – and plenty of iPhones and iPads. Most will have to find babysitters for older children.  Some will probably locate the coolest coffee shop near the conference.  Most will have families, young families at that, even the speakers – I would love to know how the speakers handle young children and a thriving ministry (because that is honestly where I would love to be). Also, the topics of interest most women will want to know/learn about will be similar.  You can have a variety of breakout sessions and it might even be hard to choose which one to go!  Happy problems!

NOT Ideal: If you are planning on bringing a group of women from your church – you can only bring one set.  This may be a good getaway for a small group of friends from you church, talk about ministry and how it can work better or get a fresh new perspective, but you couldn’t bring your whole team (in most churches). The women’s ministry team at my church couldn’t all go because some of them are older.  And I love the conversations that might happen with older women seeing their wisdom in life that has come from years of doing ministry and family.

Titus 2 does talk a lot about teaching the younger women about how love their husbands and be keepers of the home and knowing how to LOVE the Word (not mis-aligning the Word of God).  And as I get older I realize I tend to look for people my same age (give or take ten years) but for those who are at different spaces in life (older kids, more years married, single, etc).  I think I would actually LOVE to go to a generational conference because I love coffee, ipads, cute clothes (much easier when I’m not pregnant), and relevant messages.  And if I were thinking of it as a getaway with friends from around the country that would be perfect – late night chats, makeup everywhere, interesting conversations over great food/desserts, and phone calls to check up on our kids.  But, if I were to plan a conference for the women of my church to attend, I think I would opt for a multi-generational one.

I would not make this a determining factor for attending a conference – just one factor to include when planning!


Mirroring Christ in our Hospitality

Mirroring Christ in our Hospitality


There are probably people we know, men and women, who are amazing at showing hospitality.  There was a lady in our church growing up who was fabulous at this.  She welcomed everyone in the church and was a fabulous cook as well.   My mentor is incredible in this skill as well: cooking, opening her door, opening a bed or place to sleep for guests, praying over her guests, etc.  I learned much of my “activity” of hospitality from them.  Thankful.

Our church’s women’s ministry just had a night of learning about hospitality.  I was not able to go but you can find some of the handouts from the sessions on our women’s blog.  I’ve written much about hospitality, but what does it mean in a more spiritual sense?  Meaning, the hospitality that God shows for us?

An illustration you might understand before I get to Tripp’s quote: Some people you welcome into your home with welcome arms.  You can’t wait to go out of your way for them, sit and talk for hours, invite them into your heart and home.  Others, you tolerate.  You really could have them leave at any time, don’t care if they stay or go.  Really, if you are honest, you wish you could probably just show them the door quickly after dinner was open.  (If you are reading this with dropped jaw in disbelief that anyone could ever have such a thought toward another person – look at your own life.  This is where sanctification comes in.  I’m not perfect.  Spirit is still working).

Well, as Tripp says in his book, Dangerous Calling, Christ doesn’t just tolerate us:

“One of the sweetest blessings of the cross of Jesus Christ is that the curtain of separation has been torn in two. No longer are the holy places open only to the high priest once a year. No, now each of God’s children has been welcomed to come with confidence into God’s presence, and not just once a year.”

“We, with all of our sin, weakness, and failures are welcome to do what should blow our minds. We are not only tolerated by God at a distance; no, we are welcomed into intimate personal communion with the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the creator, the sovereign, the Savior. We, as unholy as we are, are told to go with confidence into his holy presence.”

– Paul David Tripp, Dangerous Calling, p. 197.

Live welcomed.