Mirroring Christ in our Hospitality

Mirroring Christ in our Hospitality


There are probably people we know, men and women, who are amazing at showing hospitality.  There was a lady in our church growing up who was fabulous at this.  She welcomed everyone in the church and was a fabulous cook as well.   My mentor is incredible in this skill as well: cooking, opening her door, opening a bed or place to sleep for guests, praying over her guests, etc.  I learned much of my “activity” of hospitality from them.  Thankful.

Our church’s women’s ministry just had a night of learning about hospitality.  I was not able to go but you can find some of the handouts from the sessions on our women’s blog.  I’ve written much about hospitality, but what does it mean in a more spiritual sense?  Meaning, the hospitality that God shows for us?

An illustration you might understand before I get to Tripp’s quote: Some people you welcome into your home with welcome arms.  You can’t wait to go out of your way for them, sit and talk for hours, invite them into your heart and home.  Others, you tolerate.  You really could have them leave at any time, don’t care if they stay or go.  Really, if you are honest, you wish you could probably just show them the door quickly after dinner was open.  (If you are reading this with dropped jaw in disbelief that anyone could ever have such a thought toward another person – look at your own life.  This is where sanctification comes in.  I’m not perfect.  Spirit is still working).

Well, as Tripp says in his book, Dangerous Calling, Christ doesn’t just tolerate us:

“One of the sweetest blessings of the cross of Jesus Christ is that the curtain of separation has been torn in two. No longer are the holy places open only to the high priest once a year. No, now each of God’s children has been welcomed to come with confidence into God’s presence, and not just once a year.”

“We, with all of our sin, weakness, and failures are welcome to do what should blow our minds. We are not only tolerated by God at a distance; no, we are welcomed into intimate personal communion with the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the creator, the sovereign, the Savior. We, as unholy as we are, are told to go with confidence into his holy presence.”

– Paul David Tripp, Dangerous Calling, p. 197.

Live welcomed.

O Thou in Whose Presence

O Thou in Whose Presence

Old Hymns are making a “comeback” in our churches: music like Sojourn, Mars Hill, Red Mtn Music, IG, and the Gettys just to name a few. These can be done of course like they were back when they were written, acapella or with a myriad of instruments, or done in a contemporary way like Indelible Grace does most of theirs – with a new melody.   One of my favorite artists for just sound accoustic music in down times or relaxing times is Fernando Ortega. 

O Thou In Whose Presence. Written in 1791, it definitely fits the bill for an old hymn. Just because a hymn is old doesn’t mean its lyrics are biblical. Always, as with any music, put its lyrics up against the truths that are found in Scripture. Scripture always stands the test of time.

Here are some of the lyrics that I especially enjoyed:

O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight, On whom in affliction I call, My comfort by day, and my song in the night, My hope, my salvation, my all. (so many Psalms in this first verse)

Say, why in the valley of death should I weep, Or alone in the wilderness rove? (Ring a bell with 1 Cor 15?, Ps 23)

 O, why should I wander an alien from Thee, And cry in the desert for bread? (I think of the Israelites whining for manna, then still whining when they got it)

 Thy foes will rejoice when my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I have shed. His voice, as the sound of the dulcimer sweet, is heard through the shadows of death;

 The cedars of Lebanon bow at His feet, The air is perfumed with His breath. His lips as a fountain of righteousness flow, That waters the garden of grace,

From which their salvation the Gentiles shall know, And bask in the smiles of His face. He looks, and ten thousands of angels rejoice,And myriads wait for His word; He speaks, and eternity, filled with His voice, Re-echoes the praise of her Lord.

Dear Shepherd, I hear and will follow Thy call; I know the sweet sound of Thy voice. Restore and defend me, for Thou art my All, And in Thee I will ever rejoice.

Culture, Family Worship, and Legalism

The following quote is taken from the 1689 London Baptist Confession:

And verily there is one spring and cause of the decay of religion in our day which we cannot but touch upon and earnestly urge a redress of, and that is the neglect of the worship of God in families by those to whom the charge and conduct of them is committed. May not the gross ignorance and instability of many, with the profaneness of others, be justly charged upon their parents and masters, who have not trained them up in the way wherein they ought to walk when they were young, but have neglected those frequent and solemn commands which the Lord hath laid upon them, so to catechise and instruct them that their tender years might be seasoned with the knowledge of the truth of God as revealed in the Scriptures; and also by their own omission of prayer and other duties of religion of their families, together with the ill example of their loose conversation, having, inured them first to a neglect and the contempt of all piety and religion? We know this will not excuse the blindness and wickedness of any, but certainly it will fall heavy upon those that have been thus the occasion thereof; they indeed die in their sins, but will not their blood be required of those under whose care they were, who yet permitted them to go on without warning – yea, led them into the paths of destruction? And will not the diligence of Christians with respect to the discharge of these duties in ages past rise up in judgment against and condemn many of those who would be esteemed such now?

Breakdown of the family unit in today’s society is something that not only Christians and churches worry about, but for many reasons politicians and sociologists are concerned with it as well.  However, this isn’t just a problem that plagues our society today.  It is a problem that for over 300 years church leaders have seen as something that needs to be addressed.
I live in a part of town that is known for some crime and general “lolly gagging” by people of all ages.  This part of town is also known for single-parent homes or absent parents altogether.  Latch key syndrome.  Yes, this is definitely a problem and the breakdown of the family has been at least one cause, if not the leading cause, of the rise in crime among teenagers/college students. The trend continues.
I think another danger that we have to be careful of is a type of legalism.  I was watching a video the other day that showed four youth getting baptized.  All of them said something like this: “My parents raised me in a Christian home and we read the Bible, did Christian things, etc.  But, it wasn’t until later that I accepted Christ.”
The Psalms and Proverbs talk much about delighting in the Word, meditating on the Word, etc.  Deuteronomy 6 tells fathers to talk about the Word every chance you get – teaching it to your children.  It is something we are commanded to do as parents.  It is our main responsibility.  But, we are parents cannot assume that our church going and Bible reading is going to save our children.
1.  Shepherd your children.  By leading home worship you are doing this very thing.  Home Worship doesn’t need to be long and complex.  Some ways my husband and I started doing it when we were engaged were praying together at night and reading a Bible verse at meal times.  We look forward to continuing and building upon that when Baby Campbell arrives.  If you have someone who can sing or play an instrument (or a YouTube video), incorporate singing into your home worship routine.  Make sure the Word and the Gospel are intrigal parts of your time together and that you do it.  It doesn’t have to be done every day, but some sort of schedule will help you keep doing it – habit, right?
2.  Home Worship can’t save your children.  In Elyse Fitzpatrick’s book Give Them Grace, she talks about rule following that would lead your children to be better Pharisees (in a negative light) than Christ-followers.  The heart of your children need to be changed by a gracious God.  We can’t save our children by doing more and better home worship, or demanding their obedience, or regulating their wardrobe, iPod playlist, or friends.  We can give them the Word and pray for their salvation, showing them much grace and forgiveness as they are coming up in our homes.
Grace and discipline.  The two go together in this thinking of home worship.  We need to have discipline to do home worship with family members and show the Word of God as a permanent and prominent fixture in our home.  One of the ways we are doing that as we prepare for Baby Campbell’s arrival is by adorning the nursery walls with Scripture.  We also must rely on grace.  We can’t possibly adhere to the true gospel and think that by us doing family worship, even every night of the week, will gain us (or our children) an audience and relationship with God – we can’t have that apart from Christ.  The Gospel is D-O-N-E not D-O.
“As the years go by, more and more we realize that if our children turn out right, it is only because of amazing grace.” – Joel Beeke, Parenting by God’s Promises

Never Cease to Praise – Jeff Bourque


Back before Easter our church commissioned a new Durham church, SoDu, and one of the songs we sang that day was this one by Jeff Bourque.  He is a worship pastor near Nashville and a friend of my husband.  I didn’t know it that well the first time, two weeks later, I wept through it hardly able to get the words out, and since then I’ve sung it as one of my new favorite songs.  The words are challenging and exhortational!


May we run this race, may we keep the faith; may our eyes be fixed on Jesus –

That we’ll not lose heart in our struggle with sin, and through suffering know endurance.

May we arm ourselves with the mind of Christ to rejoice in trials and be not surprised.

May our hearts be so consumed by You that we never cease to praise.


May our company be the saints You’ve called may we all stand firm in one spirit –

That the gospel’s truth may resound on earth, that all living things may hear it.

May the fruits of faith mark the path we trod through the life of Christ, to the glory of God.

May our hearts be so consumed by You that we never cease to praise.


May the words we share be Your grace and peace, may our tongues speak Your proclamations –

That the many parts of the body of Christ be affirmed in their right relation.

As we long and wait for the groom to come, may we learn to love, and spur each other on.

May our hearts be so consumed by You that we never cease to praise.


When that day arrives, and the race is won, when our griefs give way to deliverance,

We will fully know, as we’re fully known all our groans will end as new songs begin,

And a multitude from every tribe and tongue wearing robes of white, will stand before Your throne

And our hearts will be so consumed by You that we’ll never cease to praise!

Written by Jeff Bourque.  2004 Universal Music Corp. / Cumberland Belle Music (ASCAP).


Behold Our God – Sovereign Grace Risen

On our drive to Louisville a few weeks ago, this song was played in our car from the Sovereign Grace CD Risen (perfect for right around Easter time).  We also sang it during the one session I attended at the T4G conference.  What a powerful song!  E and I were talking about how it demands attention (not the song, but how it tells us to give attention to God)!

As far as musically – so powerful and singable.  I wonder also if you could also team it with Come, Let Us Adore Him at Christmas time. 

He is risen now to REIGN!

Who has held the oceans in His hands?
Who has numbered every grain of sand?
Kings and nations tremble at His voice
All creation rises to rejoice

Behold our God seated on His throne
Come, let us adore Him
Behold our King—nothing can compare
Come, let us adore Him

Verse 2
Who has given counsel to the Lord?
Who can question any of His words?
Who can teach the One who knows all things?
Who can fathom all His wondrous deeds?

Verse 3
Who has felt the nails upon His hands?
Bearing all the guilt of sinful man
God eternal, humbled to the grave
Jesus, Savior, risen now to reign

You will reign forever
Let Your glory fill the earth

When Trials Come: Getty Lyrics and Thoughts

The one session of T4G I did get to attend (thank you oh gracious husband), Bob Kauflin led out with this modern hymn by Keith and Kristyn Getty.  It was oh too close to home:

When trials come no longer fear
For in the pain our God draws near
To fire a faith worth more than gold
And there His faithfulness is told
And there His faithfulness is told

Within the night I know Your peace
The breath of God brings strength to me
And new each morning mercy flows
As treasures of the darkness grow
As treasures of the darkness grow

I turn to Wisdom not my own
For every battle You have known
My confidence will rest in You
Your love endures Your ways are good
Your love endures Your ways are good

When I am weary with the cost
I see the triumph of the cross
So in it’s shadow I shall run
Till You complete the work begun
Till You complete the work begun

One day all things will be made new
I’ll see the hope You called me to
And in your kingdom paved with gold
I’ll praise your faithfulness of old
I’ll praise your faithfulness of old


My God is faithful.  I cherish new mercies and peace.  Philippians 1:6.  Even when all of this is over – You will be praised because I know you are faithful!


This applies for any struggles that you are going through right now as well!