Much & Link Love: Christmas Week

Two weeks left in the year. You know when you are celebrating Christmas, the year is almost gone. I leave tomorrow to head to the home state of Florida, by way of Georgia.
1. Tim Tebow had a great first quarter of his first NFL debut yesterday. Unfortunately, he plays for a really bad team. Maybe him and Urban can hook back up in then NFL and all will be right with the world. Then maybe Danny and Steve can hook back up in the NFL and the two pairs can play against each other in the Super Bowl and then we’d really know who is the better pair. That’s about all I have to say about the NFL this week – except the Colts did win – yay!
2. I had a very relaxful weekend and I loved it!
3. I’m so glad Ben and Brittany Salmon are in my life. Just sayin’.
4. The three ladies who work in our kid’s min here at Providence are a blessing to me. When I ask questions, need help, or even just witnessing their ministry to the kids and parents that come through these doors.
5. Successful writing day at Bou on Saturday afternoon. Knocked out what I needed to do and engaged two new people that I had never talked to before.
6. Get to hang out with some great college girls today and tomorrow and then friends tomorrow through Sunday – and family of course. Then, I’ll be ready for some down time next week.
7. I’m not satisfied. Never should I be satisfied. I’m more satisfied with some things at the end of this year, less satisfied with others.
8. Have you been thinking of New Years Resolutions (or goals)? I personally like goals better than resolutions? Don’t know why…both can be unattained.

1. My fave female author writes on the Incarnation – perfect for the week of Christmas.
2. Danny hits on the the somewhat stupid tradition of writing Christmas letters.
3. If you are like me and like to read some of a book before you buy it – here is your chance. Mark Driscoll gives you chapter 1 of Death by Love if you haven’t read it.
4. You know Christmas couldn’t come and go without John Piper saying something about Santa?
5. Think I’ll be making these for the first Gathering of the year in 2011.
6. I’m surprised Vogue hasn’t gotten some slack for this because it might resemble the Virgin Mary?
7. Let’s continue to pray for Liam Neeson’s salvation. Even though he isn’t saved, I do love him as Aslan.
8. I love this Simple Advent Calendar.
9. Do you think Dr. Mohler would eat these?

Workout Choices: Yoga or Rock Music

Working out: especially this time of year (or should I say in 2 weeks) this is what is on everyone’s mind. You find magazines, gym specials, tv shows, use-at-home products, new videos, etc – all geared toward one things…helping you work out harder and better. Whether your reason is to be healthy, shed pounds, have engagement with other people, or whatever…working out is fun and beneficial. As I was spinning this morning at a local gym, I thought of these things.
Yoga (for me, little y yoga) has gotten a bad rap lately for certain leading conservative personalities. My thoughts have been posted on this blog and you can read them for yourself. Have you made up your mind about it?
Then as I was in two classes: body pump and spin, I thought about another avenue…
Why do I need to listen to a crass instructor who makes sexual jokes during class? Why do I need to listen to rock music that talks about killing someone and uses profanity that the instructor blares at the right volume (the volume is not the problem). I got a great workout in both classes. Loved it. But…there are negatives.
Is there a difference?
If I attend a Hot Yoga class for 90 minutes and shed serious body fluid and kill my muscles or if I sit in my home and do a 50 minute yoga video…or if I let my ears here sex jokes and poor taste rock music…what is the difference?
How do I engage the culture (be outside my Christian bubble) and do one or the other? I would rather attend yoga classes than be yelled at or have rock music filling my ears at 6am.
Is one necessarily worse than the other? I don’t think so. So…in matters like this…christian liberty?
Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 3 come to mind. What are your thoughts?

Rain, Running, and Yoga

Well, today felt like winter again in the ville. I’m ready for steady and warm weather.
But, I woke up this morning, ate a breakfast good for a run, full of carbs. Got dressed, headed out – and it was raining.
So, I went shopping, good thing to do in the rain. Then it stopped raining and I was hanging out with a friend. So, by the time I got ready to go run, it was raining and the wind had picked up. Not my idea of a fun run when I haven’t paid to do it.
So, I did Bob’s Weight Loss yoga. I haven’t done it in about a month. WOW! I could tell a difference in my arm strength doing planks, and my balance going straight into a downward facing dog, loved the upward facing dog, and thankfully his dvd has no tree poses because I probably would have fallen over! I love tree poses – must do more of those.
I am looking forward to having wireless internet at home again in about 17 days. My computer will have Yoga Download on it most mornings – to work on strength, flexibility, core balance, inches, weight loss, stamina, and give me a chance to get up in the morning, meditate on some Scripture while doing it.
What do you do in the morning to wake you up and get you going for the day?