Food Blog Love (10 year blogging anniversary giveaway)

Food Blog Love (10 year blogging anniversary giveaway)

10 Years Food Blogging Giveaway

One of the reasons I started this here blog ten years ago this month was to share recipes with my college girls.  I loved sharing recipes so they could cook them for dinner, or to share with friends, or even now, to share with their husbands and families.

This month marks 10 years of blogging for me.  I love to blog, share recipes, connect with readers, and share life and community.  It can be done on blog world – believe me!

So, for this blog, I wanted to share some resources that I love – because often people ask me what are my go-to recipe places on the internet.  I’ve come to absolutely love these blogs and turn to them first more than other places.  I hope you come to know these bloggers, love their food, know their stories, and share their food with your loved ones.

everything important happens around a table

eatliverun  – I started reading Jenna back when I lived in Louisville like 6 years ago.  I loved her healthy(ish) recipes, her stories, her wine-tasting, California-living life, and her photos.  She also is a fit-girl!  She is a momma and though she doesn’t blog here now, she is doing fitness coaching and you can follow her on Instagram.  But, she still has her blog up.  Two of my favorites are her Thai Red Curry and her Pistachio Cupcakes (as my mister, they are so good).  And, if you haven’t read her book and love culinary life stories – you will love her White Jacket Required.  I finished it in two days (and I have toddlers!).

bloggingoverthyme  Laura and I share the same last name (well, my maiden name).  She is superb at the camera and I love her story-telling and her chronicling of her now life in Chi-town.  She is down to earth and shares delicious recipes – and she interacts with her readers and wants to encourage them in their kitchen pursuits.  I just made her Lemon Zucchini Cardamom Bundt Cake.  So good (I ended my sugar and carb fast a day early just to have some – and a BLT).

pinchofyum I’d love for my husband and I to be able to turn this blog into a well-paid blog so that he could quit his job and we could just do this.  Wishful thinking.  But, other than the monetary side of the blogging, this couple is great at giving photography tips, delicious recipes and that may be a little out of my culinary box, and again, is interactive with their readers.  I do love these chocolate chip cookies and this delicious granola

dineanddish Kristen is so friendly and personable and of course a great chef for her family and others.  She cares about her readers.  I wish I could meet all of these bloggers and sit down for coffee or bake with them in their kitchens.  That would be such a treat.  Again, her photographs are great (notice a theme of food and photography) and her recipes are delicious.  LIke these maple scones perfect for the fall that is approaching quickly and because I’m from the strawberry cap of the world, this unbelievable strawberry shortcake

And since I’ve been blogging for ten years – I will be giving one lucky reader a little prize package – filled with things that I blog about!  So, all you have to do to enter is comment here (and for every entries share on social media)!  I will pick the winner on September 1!

Fear in the Kitchen & My Life with Bundt Cakes

Fear in the Kitchen & My Life with Bundt Cakes

Fear in the Kitchen and my life with bundt cakes

The kitchen is one of the most beloved spots in almost anyone’s home.  People tend to gravitate toward the kitchen : hanging out at the kitchen bar, sipping coffee, talking, or helping bake cookies (or eating them).  One of the mindsets I tend to hold to is everything important happens around the table.  And, when we do move into a house of our own we will get my parents’ wedding table (solid oak 8 foot long) where I ate most of my meals until I went to college.  Can’t wait.

everything important happens around the table

But, until then, I sit at an oval table that I’d love to DIY and think about everything I can learn about myself from being in the kitchen.  Why am I thinking about this today?

Because I just put a bundt cake in the oven.  I love bundt cakes but hate making them.  They are easy to make but usually, no matter how much I butter and flour the pan, I can never get them out perfectly.  Why?  For the love of butter, why?

So, I’m facing my fears today because I saw this delicious recipe over at Laura’s blog earlier this week and had everything in my kitchen to make it.  Now, I have doubly greased and floured the pan, and I’m holding my breath for an hour to see if it will come out or not.

Here are some fears of mine in the kitchen (and as you can probably relate – to the rest of life):

Chocolate Ganache Yellow Cake with Fruit

  1.  I’m not good enough. With the advance of social media and my love of photography, cooking, baking, farmers markets, local eateries, and cookbooks, I fear I will never live up to what I see on my phone, computer, or little cafe I go to. But, I’m also learning is that I never will be – but I certainly can try.  I should be competitive with myself, and not with everyone else.  I need to keep trying and learning and improving.  Progress not perfection.
  2. I will fail.  Yes, you know what I will fail.  So will you.  We are not perfect by any standard.  Even the best in home or restaurant chefs burn something, can’t capture the food with the lens, or have to throw out an entire recipe because it didn’t taste right.  Failure is a part of life.  You know what, that bundt cake might stick.  But, I guarantee my husband and two littles will eat most of it and the people I give it to will like it.  They won’t care what it looks like.
  3. Someone else will win.  I’m a very competitive person.  And, you know what, with so many bakers, photographers, runners, wives, mothers, handletterers around me – I will never be the best.  Someone will always be better than me.

When I list out these fears – sometimes they sound silly.  But I know how very real they are.  So, I press on.  I keep on baking.  I keep using my bundt pan.  I keep trying new recipes and taking photos.  I dream of one day having my own story-cookbook or having a photo in a magazine.  Maybe one day.  Until then I will keep cooking for my family, making food as gifts to people, and stick with my motto of everything important happens around the table.

What are your fears in cooking, your hobby, or other areas of life?

Transformational Tuesday: Gym Routine

Transformational Tuesday: Gym Routine

Transformation Tuesday

Most people who know anything about weight loss (and maintaining weight loss) will tell you that it can’t be just about what you put in your body, but also has to include what you do with your body.

Over the last 21 months I’ve been trying to lose the baby weight from back to back babies.  During that time I also moved states and now am finally getting settled into life with two toddlers.  We are an active family and I seldom keep the boys at home.  It is a fun, busy life.  One that I need energy for.  So, I’m learning how to change my eating habits and also work hard at changing my body tone every day.  (The photo above is from my lingerie shower about 6 weeks before I got married.  I can wear that dress again!)

Where I’ve been: when I delivered both my boys I was at 257.  Yikes.  That is an awfully high number for my 5’7″ frame and I know some of it was water retention.  But, I’ve now lost 86 lbs since my second was born in October of 2013.  I still have 15 to go to the weight I want to maintain.  I’m back below the weight I was when I wore my wedding dress back in October 2011.

As I’ve been doing this weight loss journey, I’ve had friends ask my how I do it.  Here are a few things:

1.  Eat less but also eat naturally healthy foods.  This is 80% of what I eat: whole, natural, foods including animal products.

2.  I have mainly cut out breads and potatoes and pastas.

3.  MOVE!  I will talk more about this further down in this post.

4.  Drink plenty of water.  I use the “half of your body weight in ounces” rule.  But, I also drink diet cokes (please, no rant in the comment section about this).

5.  Have people who are cheering you on.  We all need cheerleaders and I think that losing weight it so hard to do on your own.

6.  Self-discipline.  This, for me as a Holy Spirit filled believer, is a gift given to me by the Spirit.  I just need to put it into practice more often.

7.  Enjoy life.  You can do this by eating special meals every now and then or having dessert every now and then – but find other ways to enjoy life and celebrate.

Ok – since this post is mostly about working out and exercise, I want to just tell you what I’ve done.  First let me say that with two toddlers I would not have been able to lose this weight this quick without my parents who pay for my gym membership each month and that comes with childcare.  So I spend time at the gym 6-7 days a week.  It helps my body and my sanity.  And my boys love the kids klub!

I typically spend about 40 minutes doing cardio (either a spin bike or running – especially if I’m training for a race).  Then I spend the rest of the time doing body weight strengthening.  I’ve recently been enjoying the 30 Day Plank Challenge and the Little Black Dress Challenge.  It helps to have accountability so I’m in groups on facebook with friends of mine who are scattered throughout the country.  When I’m not in the gym sometimes my boys and I will walk a trail in Alpharetta in the shade for about an hour or we will play on playgrounds.  One night a week typically we will bring Daddy along and hike along the Chattahoochee which is fun but not very fast when you have toddlers who want to stop and look at everything.

Whatever you need to do – please take care of yourself.  Maybe you can take the money you spend on eating out or coffee trips and put some of that toward a gym membership.  Maybe buy some videos (I like Jillian’s 30 Day Shred and Bob’s Weight Loss Yoga).

Take care of yourself – for yourself and for others.

When Mommies Have Hard Days


There are days that I absolutely love being a mom.  There are other days that it is so stinking hard for me.  Honestly, those moments I don’t love it.  Of course I love my boys, I love the treasure of being their mom, but during those moments of throwing food, throwing toys, biting, hitting, slamming legos into the crib, disobeying for the millionth time that day and its not even 10:00 am – yeah, those days are really hard.

So, what are you to do in those moments?  Today was one of those days for me.  So, what happened today is something that I think can apply to every mom when she needs encouraging.  Just make it tailored to your need.

1.  Be encouraged in the Word – the Gospel.  As my husband was leaving this morning – even before he arrived at work – he was encouraging me with Scripture.  Not scolding me telling me of all the many ways I had already failed this morning.  Not telling me I’m a horrible mother and need to practice all the things I know.  No.  He knows how to affectively encourage me.  This is how he does it.  He tells me “Christ is sufficient for my every need – even in my weakness” and sends me Scriptures that he is praying for me – like Hebrews 13:20-21.  Benedictions like the one in Hebrews is so beneficial to me – knowing that I have been equipped – I have been given everything I need to be a good mom to those boys today – in the teething stage, in the disobedient moments, in the act of wiping up spilled apple juice for the 3rd time.

Maybe you will need someone else to encourage you in the word.  Maybe the encouragement will come through your daily quiet time. Maybe it will come through a song that is playing in the car.  However you get the intake of the Word – start here.

2.  Hang out with friends who encourage you.  I met a new friend at the mall today for play time with our littles and Cow Appreciation Day. Even though we had just met – sharing stories and just seeing interactions and hearing of God’s grace and goodness – that encourages me.  The friend you might need to see may be 2 states away so maybe a phone call or a text is all you need to help you persevere.  Or maybe see if someone can join you for lunch just to be an encouragement to you.  Discouraged moms do not need to be beaten up by legalism. They need to be encouraged by the hope of the Gospel.

3.  Write a note of encouragement to someone else.  There are so many mom friends in my life.  Each time I do a photo shoot I like to include a little note of encouragement.  So, I just got some photos printed and sat down to write a note of encouragement to my sweet young mom friend.  I’ve known her since she was in high school and now she has an infant sweet little girl.  This note didn’t take me long to write it and it wasn’t specific but just written in pink and said I love you. Persevere.  How basic is that?  But, I know that letters of encouragement can be such a God-send on a tiring day.  Do you send snail mail to people?  Do it – you will be surprised at what a great blessing it will be – both to you and to the person you are sending it to.

4.  Do something for yourself.  I think moms are so busy taking care of other people that they seldom do things for themselves.  It is not being selfish – it is helping your sanity!  My husband is super good at that – giving me time each week – doing whatever in his power to make me “happy” – building in times with friends, giving me alone time to study the Word, write and read, helping out with the dishes – I hope you have a mister like that.  Today – I stopped by Mcds and got a $1 Diet Coke and when I got the boys in bed I watched a White Collar episode.  Just little things.  Like cheap pretty flowers at Trader Joes.  Like a Weight Watchers ice cream bar.  Like a shopping trip with a friend.  Whatever will be a pick me up for you – do it.  It may be free like sitting outside on your deck staring up at the sky, or cheap like a coffee or a bouquet of flowers – or if your budget allows it go get a massage, manicure, or new outfit.  Take care of your soul – and yes, I do believe that means more than just sitting in the Word (though you noticed I started with that one as I think it is most important).

What are some ways you encourage yourself when you are having a bad mommy day?

Journaling for November

Journaling for November

Journaling in November

November, already?  Wow – there is less than two months left in 2014.  And we always look forward to January – fresh, clean, new year.  I love January for many reasons, but November is a good month too.

I was inspired by a popular secular DIY/Lifestyle blog to think about ways to journal in November.  This month is easy to make a list of ways we are grateful, etc – but I think the art and practice of journaling may help make the list-making more of a heart-turning-to-gratitude making.

1.  Remember.  What has the Lord done for you this year.  Even if you can think about over the course of the last 10 months and journal about what God has done for you and your family.  This year has been extremely hard for our family and I’ve seen the Lord bring much healing.  He is good.  The book of Deuteronomy specializes in the word Remember – so maybe journal through that book and connect the dots.  The God of the Old Testament is the God of your heart, too.

Coffee and Journaling

2.  Thanks and Giving.  Search these two words in the Bible.  See how often we are to give out of gratitude. Give out of blessing.  Give even out of need.  One of the disciplines I’m trying to teach my older right now is to share.  And I heard a friend teaching her son yesterday that we share because God has been kind to us and we are to share with others.  Really, sharing and showing kindness and giving to another is a way we display the image of God in which we are created.  Just jot a note in a journal or in your ESV Journaling Bible where these words show up.  Pray the Spirit would help you cultivate a heart full of gratitude and selfless living with time and possessions.

Hospitality and Journaling

3.  Hospitality.  She Reads Truth is a great daily devotional plan that is online.  I’ve loved it and it is especially helpful for me who lives by my iphone, can read anything through my ESV App – listen to it if I’m on the road, and is perfect for getting me in the Word during a busy season of life.  And how many of us plan to host people in our homes or attend a function in another’s home this holiday season?  This is a timely study – that you can get and read and journal through to cultivate a heart of joyful welcoming.

How do you journal?  Do you use your Bible or do you use a notebook?