Motherhood is Not Just About Dying to Self

Motherhood is Not Just About Dying to Self

Motherhood & Dying to Self

Motherhood, a joy, a calling, and a privilege – is also TOUGH!  And I’m in the midst of it.  New area (with relatively new friends), two under two – both boys, and a husband who works long hours – but is such a trooper at home and to take my many frustrated phone calls and texts and pray and encourage me throughout the day.

My boys are the most cutest (superlatives, I know) boys in the whole world.  Their blond hair, big blue eyes, super long eyelashes – and their laughs, and smiles, and hugs, and giggles.  Doesn’t that make all the disciplining, nights where there are 3 feedings, and saying no 100 times a day, worth it?  Hmmm – of course, but it doesn’t make those days easier.

I was enjoying some hours of quiet courtesy of sleeping boys and a gracious husband and I wrote these next words.  When I went to read it to my Mister I was hesitant too – not because I thought he would laugh at me, but because I don’t live this out – and he, more than anyone, knows it.  But, it is the cry of my heart.  And I need the Gospel every day and pushed harder and harder in on my life and my parenting  – to look more like Christ in front of these littles that I call Lijah Bean and Bubba.  I hope the next words are encouraging to you. Pray for the Moms you know.  It’s a tough job.

The point of motherhood is not death to self.

If it was, we could be justified in our mopey days, our impatient attitudes, our temper tantrums.  We could justify our need to be everywhere and do everything so we could earn the title of Super Mom.

It’s not about finding your life in your children.  If so, we could warrant involving our children in everything so they could be good at what we weren’t.  If so, we could boast in our children’s smiles, vocabulary, batting average, or report card.

It’s not about finding your life in all the things you multitask in – or the things you don’t.  We could brag about our recipes, our photographs, or our pre-baby jeans.  We could post pictures of our well-designed Anthro house that never looks like children live there.

It’s not about never doing anything you want to.  We don’t have to live a slain and mopey woe-is-me life.

Instead, something I need to be daily pray for myself is that I would boast in the Gospel and die to sin so that I might life in and for and through Christ.  On the days when I burn dinner, or feed my children all chocolate and junk food  – I need Jesus.  The days our son bites other kids in the gym child care – Jesus still died for me and loves me.  On the day when I feel fat and don’t want to work out, but longingly look at the woman three treadmills away – desiring to look like her – Jesus still wants my heart.

I’ve read so many posts about you just have to die to self as a Mommy.  In a way that is true – but not in its morbid-sounding worldly outlook.  You can still ask for time for yourself – to feed your soul, to grab a cup of coffee, to grocery shop without toddlers eating the bananas before you pay for them, to take a walk, to exercise – to do things that refresh you – even if it is just to take a bath or have a date with your husband.  These aren’t bad things.

If Motherhood isn’t just about dying to self – it must have a better end.  We don’t die to self just for the sake of dying to self.  We die to self and sin and flesh to live to Christ.  Paul, in his letters, constantly wrote about not being the man he was but constantly fighting that battle and waging war with his flesh, but pressing on in Christ.

Motherhood – living to Christ – looks like:

Admitting when you are failing at motherhood and seeking help from other moms who have been there and done that.  Not trying to put on an act like you have it all together and your kids are the poster children for all church kids.

Admitting when you need some “time off”.  My Mister knows that some time off during the week does me a world of good.  Writing, reading, praying, journaling, doing errands by myself, drinking unsweet tea, eating a macaron – whatever it is – as the saying goes “If momma ain’t happy”.  He knows that me being refreshed is good for the whole family!

Crying out to God instead of yelling at your children.  Even though I hate raised voices and I hate being yelled at myself – I find myself raising my voice at my boys – as if that’s going to do any good.  I need instead to breath, pause, pray, and then speak in a manner to my boys that will glorify God.

Read the Bible in light of Motherhood.  How does the Bible address teaching your children, being anxious or prideful in your spirit?  The Bible has the final word on everything you could be struggling with.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.  By his wounds you have been healed – 1 Peter 2.24 (This verse was suggested by my Mister for this blog – and so fitting.  If we try to do motherhood, or dying to ourselves, in our own strength – that is sin and it is futile.  We will fail.  It we seek the Gospel and the strength of Him who died for our weak, selfish selves – than He has promised He will ever be close to us in every moment of every tempter tantrum and birthday party and first date and bicycle riding lesson.

Motherhood in light of the Gospel – is still the toughest job, the best job, the most demanding job – and only with the strength of Christ will we survive.

Creatives: Photographer Mallory Ward

Creatives: Photographer Mallory Ward

mallory ward photography

Love the way that people weave through your life at random times and bring light and sunshine each time they enter.

I first met Mallory when she was in high school when I was chaperoning a ski retreat with a church I used to be on staff with in Florida.  She had an eye for celebrating the everyday even then.  I love her pursuit of others, her craft, her friends, and her Jesus.

mallory 1

Now, she is in Woodstock for just a brief journey in life before she moves to Australia early next year, and we’ve reconnected – she’s come to our home and eaten at our table, she has given me lots of places to try out for coffee and good eats, and she has shared some of her life with me again.

mallory 5

Let her glimpse through her lens open your world to its love and light.

mallory 4

The above picture is a sweet newborn session with our dear friends Jack and Maizey.  Love this photo!

mallory 2


mallory 3


1.  How did photography come to have such a grip on your life?

Ever since I was a little girl, I would always take my mom’s camera and take pictures of anything I could. I always loved watching her reaction when all of these random photos came through on her camera, she knew I was discovering a hobby, yet little did I know it would become a passion. I had a friend in high school that would always take photos with me. We would pose, go on adventures with our cameras and play with natural light. Sometimes we would even skip morning classes to catch the perfect early morning haze on the island. I graduated high school in 2009, and that’s the year that I pretty much realized that I was really in-love with the beauty of a photo. My sister’s friends who had families started contacting me wanting me to do photo sessions of them, and then I just kept shooting. Everywhere I would go I would have my camera with me. I started taking my friends at college and around the area on photo adventures and just using them as models to expand my photography portfolio. So here I am- 5 years later, with many clients, and the same ones I started with who have supported me since the very beginning.


2 What would be a dream fulfilled for you and your lens and your soul?

A dream of mine when it comes to my photography would definitely be to use it as a way to record the adventures that life takes me on. When I went on my first mission trip to Haiti a year ago, I absolutely loved the way I was able to communicate with the Haitian kids through the power of a photo. It literally was like they had never seen how beautiful they were before. I would love to travel, and just take photos of different cultures, people and nature.

3.  What do you most like to be peering at when holding your camera?

Nature & people. Nature because of the sincerity of it and people because… well, people are just awesome. I absolutely love capturing couples during an engagement session because their love is so powerful it explodes through the photo. I love to put people in nature because it’s like the beauty of trees, flowers, or a sandy beach changes their perspective and gives them a sense of freedom and happiness. Children, also, are amazing to capture. They are so innocent and happy. Eyes, skin, smiles- there is so much beauty in everything!

4.  Is there any place you are dying to do a photo shoot?

I don’t think I could pick one exact place to do a lifestyle shoot. There are far too many amazing places in the world I have yet to see. Definitely would want to choose a place that if authentic, unique and natural. From an alley in Paris to a field in Ireland… I really couldn’t pick just one!

5.  What are three words that describe your photography?

Beautiful moments captured.


Read This: White Jacket Required

Read This: White Jacket Required

White Jacket Required

One of my favorite genres of books is biographical.  Here’s why:

1.  It makes me know I’m not alone.

2.  It helps you know other people.

3.  It spurs you on to do things bigger than yourself.

4.  It encourages you in the journey.

I’ve been reading Eat Live Run for about 6 years now.  I knew Jenna, the author, was from my neck of the woods and then moved to an area with a great job (winery work) in an area I have wanted to visit and spend more time in.  I loved her recipes and she was into running and yoga.

So, I finally saw this book at my local library and devoured it in one day.  (Disclaimer: my boys napped a lot those hours because we were all feeling sickly).

I loved it.  That’s all I can say.  And I look forward to making the recipes.  It makes me understand her blogs much more.  Her style of writing is very personal and like you are sitting with her, having a cup of coffee, or sipping a glass of wine.

Thank you Jenna for writing your adventure – and you are about to embark on a new adventure in motherhood to a little boy.


Breakfast Ideas for your Valentine

Breakfast Ideas for your Valentine

Valentines Day Breakfast

The most important meal of the day is breakfast right?  And one of the best holidays is Valentine’s Day, right?  Then why not combine the two and serve a delicious themed breakfast on Valentine’s Day.  I’m glad that it falls on a Friday this year, my Mister’s day off.  That way we can all linger over the breakfast table a little while longer.  Here are three recipes that you can whip up in no time flat for your Valentine. Enjoy every moment of the day!

Strawberry Pancakes (I actually served these for dinner tonight).  I used Rachael Ray’s Strawberry Pancakes recipe from her magazine.  Things I would change: chop your strawberries more fine.  Use less of them.  Or puree them and lower the milk amount.  They were TOO moist.  But, they had great flavor!

Strawberry Pancakes

Heart in the Hole.  I made this yesterday for my little Valentine for lunch.  So quick and easy.  I used Great Day Farms’ organic eggs because they taste amazing and I know are healthy for my family.  Just put some butter in a heated skillet, cut out a heart shape (with a cookie cutter) of the bread, and drop the egg in.  Let it cook until your liking.  How runny do you like your egg?

Heart in the Hole

Strawberry Nutella PopTarts.  I made the smores version of these last week at a friend’s house and we gobbled them up.  Tomorrow morning I’m taking some fresh strawberries, mashing them with a fork, already made pie crust, a cookie cutter, egg wash, and delicious creamy nutella.  Amazing pop tarts await me!  Yay!

Strawberry Nutella Poptarts

See…three easy breakfast ideas.  And thanks to my friend Liz for the picture of her cute thrifted coffee mug.  Perfect morning to use that!

What’s Eatin’ #6

What's Eatin?

This week will be different because of a Grain-Free 4-Day Detox (stay tuned for more on that) and a holiday and some ministry opportunities coming for the weekend. I really do love using my love of cooking for ministry opps – everyone loves food, right?

Monday: Making something similar to this pork roast and serving it with sweet potatoes and sautéed apples. Think cracker barrel.

Tuesday: Sautéed seafood with taco seasoning – think Taco Tuesday – with a salad (my husband will more than likely have it with a tortilla and cabbage).

Wednesday: Cabbage and Kielbasa.  I’m trying to win my husband over with this meal.  It is something I loved when growing up and now I’m just making it because I had the kielbasa on hand and needed a cheap meal.

Thursday: DATE DAY!  Since our marriage retreat got cancelled a few wknds back, my hubs took the day off and we are doing us-stuff.  That includes conversation, coffee shops, and lunch date!

Friday: Chocolate-covered strawberry pop tarts for Valentine’s Day breakfast, Crack Cookies to take to some widows for VDay – more on that later as well, stay tuned – and then my hubs cooks me a rather awesome steak each year on VDay and with it we are having roasted fingerling potatoes and asparagus.  Don’t know about dessert yet.  We shall see.

Saturday: Having some friends over for a brunch on Saturday morning.  These rolls will grace the table.  This sparkly beverage.  And a delicious quiche.  Keeping it simple.  But, delicious.  And about friends and conversation and a pretty tablescape.