On Location: Washington, DC

On Location: Washington, DC

There are some amazing cities in this country that I call home. One of those is the nation’s Home city: Washington, DC. I took most of these on our honeymoon where we spent almost two days there, but I have spent other times there as well. Its historic buildings, candid history, and beautiful flowers all entice me to stay a little while longer, would love to move to its suburbs, and cozy up in one of its many local coffee shops.

Much and Link Love – July 25

Wow – July is rapidly drawing to a close – but we still have one more fun-filled weekend ahead of us!

1.  Love it when late flights turn into early flights (arrival times) because of delays – but I’m equally grateful for people who are willing to sacrifice to still pick me up at 1:30 in the morning!

2.  I finished reading this book on the plane: and its great.  More on why I read it coming later in a blog review.

3.  Wedding plans are coming together.  So excited about – wish it could be here sooner!

4.  Great time in TX this wknd.  A blessing, hanging with friends, good food, and the only thing I didn’t care for about TX this time is the DOT – the roads are so bad.  Oh, well.  I now know there is a state worse than NC.

5.  Another book I’m reading: What Did You Expect by Tripp.  So good!

6.  I’m greatly anticipating this week: meetings, writings, exercising, birthday celebrating, meeting new friends, shoe shopping!


Link Love:

1.  Yum, and oh so rich!

2.  Love this by a dear friend about time organization!

3.  One of the friends I hung out with this wknd is a great photographer (and so is one of the others), but this is Kristin’s blog

4.  Pray these for yourself – and I would encourage you to have others pray them for you as well.

5.  Hmmmm….I may make this for a very important birthday dinner coming up

6.  If you are a writer, or an aspiring writer, you need to read this post from my friend Courtney.

7.  Great post on Katy Perry by Mary Kassian.

8.  What a great gift idea!

Maturity = Lack of Wisdom

I know, odd post title.  Hear me out.

A few weekends ago I got a chance to sit in my favorite coffee shop (EVER. – well, at least so far) with a friend.  Just sitting there, enjoying life.  Journaling, sipping, talking, reading.  I was doing some people watching (ok, I was eavesdropping on a conversation).  This is what is so fabulous about coffee shops (and the Red Vanilla Chai Latte that was I sipping on that can only be found in Quills in Louisville).

So…I desire and digress…back to the conversation at hand.

The conversation was between two twenty-something women.  Both cool Louisvillians who seemed like everyone else in Louisville.  You know the cool Sojourn-esque artist, type look I’m talking about.  Anyway…

One of them said to the other: “I used to think that wanting a man to lead in a relationship was great.  Then I grew up.  Then I matured.  Now I don’t mind taking the lead and asserting myself.  Why did I ever think that was wrong?”

BECAUSE IT IS!  I really contained myself, grabbed my moleskin, and jotted it down.  But, seriously, my heart broke for this young lady.

That is what our world trains women to think: that submission (to our husbands) is demeaning, immature, uncreative, death, borderline abuse, etc).  When in reality – submission to Christ is the safest place we can be.  And if God has supplied us with a husband – then that should be a joy to serve and submit joyfully and respectfully to them.

Instead, what I heard from this young lady is that the more mature I’ve gotten the more I want to be independent, free from constraint, in charge of my whole world, not wanting to submit to anyone but me.  Well, that my friend, is a lie straight from Satan himself and one that is so harmful to a generation of ladies.  But, seriously, it can affect all ladies at one time or another if we are unfamiliar to the truths of God’s Word or unwilling to live by those Words of Life.

Ephesians 5:20-24: “Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.  Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything.”

And ultimately, if women are not willing to be lead and submit to their own husbands: then their problem isn’t with their husbands: it is usually more of a problem with their relationship with Christ.  He has all authority (Matthew 28, Colossians 1).

So, dear Quills’ ladies: I pray that you will find rest and wisdom and trust and submission and ease of command in Christ.  That He would be your all.  That you would seek life and fulfillment and security there.  That you would not feel the need to assert and lead.  That Christ would be the head of your life, your soul, your mind, and your body.  Your eternity depends on how Christ took the low place, served, and gave Himself a ransom for many.

Sincerely, Quill’s Red Vanilla Chai Latter Drinker, kim

Much & Link Love – March 21

Hello Spring!  I won’t count out more winter days in the RDU area (because I’ve lived here too long), but I love the wind and warmer temperatures. 

1.  For the past two weeks to have been really hard, the past 5 days have been really a much needed breath of amazing air from my Jesus. 

2.  And you know, things come from friends.  Time of rejoicing and times of pain and tears and no sense of understanding.  I have friends who are: excited about new ministry opportunities, having babies, just found out they were pregnant, losing babies to miscarries, struggling with adoptions, being diagnosed with cancer, struggline with cancer, marriages crumbling, jobs crumbling.  As I start reading Broken Down House by Paul Tripp – all of this rings true.

3.  Weight is going down! 🙂  External and internal motivation, and warmer weather play a factor in this!

4.  I feel encouraged in what I do.  The last two weeks have been hard on my soul and mind and body.  God is very gracious and reviving to me.

5.  In African-American society, I saw a weak part yesterday – not many men taking leadership in their family.  Unfortunately.  Who do the young black men in our country turn to?

6.  My friends are very crucial in my life.  They are a source of grace and gospel and nurture and nourishment in my life.  Some are let in a little closer – and those closer ones are precious to me!  Thank you – you know who you are!

7.  Going to Charlotte this week and watching bball this weekend!  Go Gators and Tarheels!

8.  2 months from today I’ll be on a big boat going to Alaska.  And yes, I am excited!

9.  Oh, songs, I need to do a song post: Old Alabama by Brad Paisley, Colder Weather by ZBB, Little Miss by Sugarland, – those are definitely top right now!

Link Love

There aren’t many this week: it seems like most I read are on Rob Bell, Japan, or food.  Let’s see what I got:

1.  New hymn worship cd that Bob Kauflin highlights

2.  A delicious coffee cake recipe from my friend, Leah

Ok – I know that’s not a lot…if Rob Bell would just not be a heretic then maybe I would have more! 🙂

Much & Link Love – January 31

One month of 2011 down, 11 more to go.  This next month is going to be busy for me in town – not much out of town.

1.  I may breathe in May, on a cruise ship, to Alaska.

2.  Vegetarianism is going pretty good.  I’m thankful for a paycheck now so I can buy good veggies – and more peanut butter!

3.  Long drives and sits at different coffee shops make me think, and there are always things I need to change in my life.

4.  Hope.  Hope is a strange thing when placed in the wrong place it is detrimental to your faith.  That is sin.  When placed in the right Person – God is faithful to fulfill it.  I’ve experienced the wrong place this past week, and now am back on the right Person.  He is good.

5.  Sometimes I watch online dating commercials, and want to try it.  But, then I go back to #4.

February: speaking in Roxboro, eating some good meals with friends, writing, working on food photography, baby shower for a dear friend, and writing – while I’m at it – I might as well do some more writing.  Self-imposed deadlines, gotta love them! 

Link Love:

1.  Love D. A. Carson – and this is a great message.

2.  Jewelry designer Jess is also a home designer – her studio makes me want to move to Chicago, or at least move to a studio and have great new stuff!  Or design more of my own!

3.  Does anyone need a chocolate cake recipe?  I so have a craving to make this.

4.  This is my spring craft project.