Googling Church

Googling Church

As I sit in a cozy local coffee shop in the heart of Augusta, having moved here almost 5 months ago, I think about all the times we’ve moved.

Since we’ve been married, 6+ years, we’ve moved quite a bit.  Our stories and our moves have not all been our design, but we know that God writes beautiful stories. Ones that will help us be more of who He wants us to be.

And each church that has been a part of our journey in these 6 years of marriage and family life, has indeed had a lasting impact on my soul.

And if you are a church leader or even just a church member who loves their local church, you want new comers – new city dwellers to be able to find your church, so your church can be a tool that God can use to leave a lasting impact in individual’s lives and family’s lives (like mine.

And when we moved to our new home, we had connections.  Coming from the ministry world, two seminary degrees under our belt, we knew people.  But, what do you do if you don’t know anyone.  Do you just google “church near me?”

Church leaders – do you want the unchurched to find your church?  They may not come first to a great event near you – if they do, how will they hear about the event?  Maybe they will hear about it from the neighbor who lives down the street?  Maybe they won’t live near anyone who attends your church.

My friend William Wright has thought a lot about these questions: about church, church life and community, reaching the lost, how the digital age can be a help not a hindrance to your church, how your website speaks a lot for who you are as a church.

As a church in the 21st century, almost a complete digital age (really who uses the yellow pages anymore?) this is what William says: “Unfortunately, churches lag behind many times when it comes to technology. Many churches today do NOT understand that their front door has changed locations. When ANY person has ANY question on ANY subject they simply “Google it”. The same is true when it comes to looking for a new church home.”

We need to be ready to use tools that are within our reach – to reach out to the lost.  Yes, relationships matter.  And yes digital technology matters.

Digital Rocket is a great resource that you need to avail yourself to.  Learn how “google it” can work for you.

A Few of My Favorite Things for Creatives

A Few of My Favorite Things for Creatives

I’m definitely a creative person – in lots of areas.  So, just in time for Christmas, I wanted to share some things on my list for these different areas of creativity!  Enjoy, and I’d love to hear what’s on your list!

In the Kitchen:

These spoons – so amazing. I have one of his bowls which I love.  Great for food photography

Anything LeCreuset pans – especially in this color!

These cutting boards.  I have two of them – beautiful and all hand formed.

For the letterer:

This book on teaching the hand-drawing of florals.

These pens.  Love them.

For the stationery lover:

This illustrator is new to me, but I’ve loved what I’ve seen so far.  Getting my first order in the mail soon

If you need business cards, social media cards, gift tags, etc, these are fabulous

For the photographer:

Food Photo: these cake plates and aprons, oh and everything on their site

For the branding photographer: These backdrops.  Totally want a few for my photography

For the writer:

This journal – I love these for so many reasons, but I love this pattern.

A gift card is wonderful – especially to this place – where you can find books on writing and journals to write in.


DIY Gift Giving for the Holidays

DIY Gift Giving for the Holidays

(This is a sponsored post by Walmart and @incommworldwide for the #SaveMoneyGiveBetter2017 Campaign.  My opinions are my own.  Thank you The Women Bloggers)

Even though I live in the South, and it usually only mildly cold, it is still a lovely season when I get to drink all the warm drinks.  Some of my favorites are dirty chais, caramel apple cider, chai lattes, or peppermint mochas.  Since I’m not really a “coffee” drinker, I have to improvise when I meet up with friends over the holidays at our favorite coffee shops.

So, when gift giving at the holidays, I love to gift homemade mixes that will help people enjoy sitting by the fire with a warm cup in the hands all winter long.  And these mugs at Walmart by The Pioneer Woman are oversized and perfect for wrapping up in a knitted throw and reading a book, sipping on something warm, and staying there – all.winter.long.

And I know the perfect way to gift these homemade mixes: a cute box like this one from Wal-Mart, tissue paper, a handwritten tag, a cute mug (they have so many to choose from), and your mix.  Throw in some holiday candy and you are golden.

But, wait…what would make it all the better?  A gift card of course.  I think throwing in a Vanilla Mastercard from Walmart would be the perfect pairing.  You can use these cards anywhere.  They are perfect for buying a book you’ve been wanting so you have something to read as you cozy up to the warm fire.  You can use it for a new movie that you can watch after the kids go to bed.  You can use it to order in some food so you won’t even have to cook.

I’m definitely one of those people that think giftcards are the way to go.  Unless you know I’m going to love something – the best thing is a gift card.  And Walmart has a display with a gift card for every single person on your list.

Check out these homemade mixes that you can add to your special holiday box (and don’t forget the gift card, its a great way to give better)!

What goes in chai?

Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix

Warm Apple Drink

Vanilla Chai Mix

What are smoe DIY gifts you like to give at the holidays?  How do you plan on gifting giftcards this year so they will be a wonderful surprise to your friends and family?

Lavish Hospitality 24

Lavish Hospitality 24

Think of hospitality for just a moment – what comes to your mind?

Southern Living?

Wrap around porches with rocking chairs?

Coffee mugs?

A bundt cake or chocolate chip cookies?

Sweet Tea?

Pottery Barn guest bedrooms?

A cozy bed and breakfast?

All of these things are great – and can be used in hospitality – but none of them define hospitality.

All month I’ve thought about how to define hospitality and I’m still working on it, but here is a working definition:

Hospitality seeks to welcome others with lavish grace without a hint of self-interest.

Wow – yup, this is super tough.  And none of us will ever be the perfect hospitable hosts.  Never – because we are prideful people.  But, thankfully, One was completely hospitable and makes a way for us to pursue Him.

We can practice hospitality through the lens of the Gospel, praying that God would use us to welcome others, to be a rest for others, to encourage others.

Quote from C. J. Mahaney Humility

Lavish Hospitality 23

Lavish Hospitality 23

Hospitality isn’t all about how your house looks or how much nice stuff you have lining your walls or what style sofa or table you have.  Now, don’t get me wrong – I love all the stuff.  I really enjoy making my home look good – put together.

I want this table so bad, but it is not in our budget.

This loveseat for our library/den would be amazing – not in our budget right now.

I would love this oversized chair for our master and a new tv for our living room (so we could mount our smaller tv in our master) – but not in our budget.

I would love finish off the kitchen in our new house to my exact liking – but its not in our budget right now.

I’ve been reading Little House on the Prairie books to my older before bed.  We are a little bit into Farmer Boy.  I’m coming to realize how different Laura and Almonzo were raised.  They weren’t in the same economic sphere.

But, that didn’t seem to matter.  And now it shouldn’t matter either.

Hospitality can be a can of beans and rice.  It can be homemade bread or chips and guacamole.  It can be a glass of water or a cup of coffee.

Hospitality is meant to be welcoming and gracious – not necessarily expensive.

Quote taken from Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House in the Ozarks