Menu Week: April 26

This is a busy week – much eating out, hanging out with people. Looking forward to ALL of it! Gotta make wise decisions though about what I get!

Monday: oats and fruit for breakfast (good start to the week). Homemade chicken quinoa soup for lunch and veggies. Dinner is at Champas (the thai part of it) with bonnie over reading.

Tuesday: Breakfast at one of my fave places: Cafe Carolina (not that they have anything healthy there). Lunch with a new friend. Coffee at Bux later with a mission-minded college girl at State.

Wednesday: Publix bread, pb, and fruit. Lunch is with my co-workers at Crabtree Valley Mall (so many options). Dinner with some fave people at the Summit to meet their new(ish) little boy. Can’t wait for that meal and hang out time!

Thursday: Publix bread. Salad. Dinner while babysitting for some wild and crazy kids who love Jesus!

Friday: Egg white omelette with veggies, soup and pbj, dinner is something random because we have Joy Prom that night!

Saturday: Flying Biscuit with Rach, then off to the Farmers Market. Can’t wait to see what I find – and that will be lunch and dinner.

The recipe of the week this week will be something I can bake for the Joy Prom Volunteer room on Friday night – I’m thinking bars or brownies of some sort!

Greg Gilbert's What is the Gospel?

This book has received so much coverage in the blogosphere – probably since Crazy Love. I picked up this book as soon as it came out – and just finished it. I got to be friends with Greg and his wife, Moriah, while attending the same church in Louisville, KY a few years ago. They both lived out much of this book in their friendship with me: whether it was attending their son’s soccer game, eating at the Homemade Pie and Ice Cream Kitchen, or just chilling in their home, or serving hot dogs to the 3rd avenue neighbors.
Greg, at the very beginning, explains his goals for writing this book (I like that, I don’t need to wonder what they are). Here is my paraphrase of them:
1. Bring more joy to Christians. “An emaciated gospel leads to emaciated worship.” (20) As one of the guys I serve with said this morning, us knowing our sin more (being made more aware of how sinful we are), we will indeed know the gospel – how good and amazing God is – more.
2. Evangelistic. Greg does not suppose that everyone reading this book is a believer. This would be a great book to read in a new believers/interested in Christianity class at a church. 8 chapters – that 2 months, or over the summer, its not overwhelming!
3. Community. “Also, Christian, the gospel should drive you to a deeper and livelier love for God’s people, the church.” (117) Very clearly we see the need for this in our local body. There are many factions within most local churches. So many do not know those they serve with – or sit next to Sunday after Sunday. This means more than just shaking their hand during the very awkward “greet” time. This means pouring into the lives of those you “do church” with. Get to know them – hear their heartbeat, know what drives them.
4. Clarity. A few months ago there was this “competition” on Twitter to post the gospel in less than 140 characters. how difficult is that? That even paved the way for this goal of Greg’s – we need to KNOW what the gospel is and be able to articulate it to a lost and dying world – or confused church attenders.
5. Apologetics. Wow, what a great tool this would be on a college campus – for use in a small group, dorm Bible study. Just having it out on your nightstand or coffee table, or in your car (to read at traffic lights or coffee shops) would definitely open up the door wide for conversations.
These 5 goals of Greg’s are clearly met in every chapter of this book. I highly recommend it. Below are some more personal thoughts I have had while reading it:
There is a post-it note on my vanity mirror right now at home – its been up there 10 days, and as I was reminded of it by someone this morning – I think it will stay up there: Jonah 2:8-9: paraphrased: if I cling to worthless idols, I forfeit my hope of steadfast love – by the Savior of the world. Greg puts it like this: “For human beings to consider their Creator and then decide that a wood or metal image of a frog or a bird or even themselves is more valuable is that height of insult and rebellion against God.” (29)
Almost immediately after starting my new ministry here in Raleigh, I heard this verse from one of the pastors – Greg writes it here – from 1 Corinthians 15: paraphrased: Christ died for our sins is of UTMOST importance – but He is not still dead – He lives – so we can live too!
As we think about goals and life dreams (not just at New Years or Birthdays): “They had goals and desires that were categorically opposed to what God desired for them, and so they sinned.” (50). Do you ever stop to wonder and pray and seek God’s face to ask him if the goals you have and the goals He has for you are the same? One of those things that would be good to know!

Thanks Greg for writing this!

Chocolate Orange Pecan Brownies (2010.12)

Bon Appetit redeems itself with this week’s recipe. And aren’t I glad?!
There is a bakery/coffee shop/cafe in Montana that this recipe comes from (definitely would warrant a trip to Bozeman, MT), and these are delicious cake like on the top, fudgy in the middle, brownies with a hint of orange (I would like more).
These made 16 and the only thing I could say that I would like better is if they cut easier – they were kinda crumbly – but I did not wait till they were cool, so that may have been my problem.
Sorry – no pictures. It was this morning and I was in a hurry to get them done before work, and didn’t have time to pick up the camera…

1/2 cup boiling water
6 T unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/4 packed dark brown sugar
3/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup chopped pecans (I didn’t toast mine)
2 eggs
10 T unsalted butter, melted, cooled
zest of one orange (I might do two next time)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Combine water and cocoa powder, set aside. Melt butter, set aside to cool.
Mix sugar through pecans, set aside.
Whisk eggs, add butter, orange zest, and vanilla. Add in chocolate mixture. Add in dry ingredients. Mix just until combined.
Pour into greased 9×9 pan, bake at 350 for about 27-30 minutes. I left mine in there for 28 and they were a little too done on the sides, but perfect in the middle.

Taste of Nashville: Pfunky Griddle

Taste of Nashville: Pfunky Griddle

What a neat place in a very popular and cool city.
A new friend took me here and I loved it. Walked in the door, the iCarly co-star was there (I didn’t know it was her till I asked), they invited me to just help myself to the coffee.
This place was very interactive. You got to make your own food! Now, most people would not want to pay to make their own food, but I thoroughly loved it.
They had an organic 5 grain and a homestyle white pancake batter, we got mashed potatoes (for fried cakes), and I got some bacon. Vermon syrup was on the table and I got crunchy peanut butter as my topping.
Let’s just say Amy and I ate our fair share of pancakes and potatoes (and bacon).
If you are ever in the Nashville/Brentwood area – off 65 at exit 81 – you must go. Fabulous prices, vegetarian options for lunch, and great staff!

Menu Week: March 8

My kitchen is getting more bare along with my fridge and freezer. My shopping lists are getting shorter – and my grocery budget is doing well!
Here we go:
Turkey, turkey orzo soup, turkey salad with celery and craisins. Those are the bulk of the main dishes. Have to use up my turkey (yum)!
New dish this week: lumberjack hash for Friday’s breakfast with Becca. Topped with an egg white – can’t wait to try it! Its from a Cooking Light magazine.
Eats with people this week: lunch with my friends Bonnie and Laura tomorrow, dinner with a prof and his family, Wed is dinner with another prof and his family, Thursday is lunch at Founders with a co-worker, Saturday is brunch with some girls at Toast on Market downtown Ville, and coffee at Java with a friend. Sunday is shopping with my friend Sarah at Amazing Grace and Whole Foods. Fun times!
So – gotta eat less this week. This past wknd was rough on the waistline and the scale! But, oh so yummy!